Chapter 31

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"Mason you sure you don't mind me staying with mom and dad?" I asked for the nth time as he parked his car in front of the house.

"I don't, my love. They need more reassurance that you're okay than I do, plus it'll make me feel better knowing they'll be there for you." He smiled as he turned to face me and held my face in his hands.

"It's almost like you want to get rid of me." I teased and his small smile dropped and was replaced with a serious look.

"Never. Not even in my worst nightmares do I want you gone." He said softly and my expression softened.

"I'm not going anywhere Mason." I laughed. "I'll talk to Aiden I'm sure they won't miss you at work." I suggested but he instantly shook his head.

"No I don't want to miss anything, I'll drop in when I can every day." He said before pecking my lips and getting out of the car.

Walking around, he opened my side door and took my hand as I got out before closing it behind me. He had already packed a duffel bag of clothes and toiletries for me so we didn't have to stop at our apartment first. I stayed at the hospital for an entire next day before they let me go yet I still don't know why exactly I had to stay for so long because of a fall, but I plan on finding out while I stay over at mom and dads.

For the entire day I was in the hospital, I took my time in analysing everything that was going around me. How everyone was behaving, quiet conversations they were having, constantly checking their phones, coming in and out every three hours as if they were on shifts. It's barely been a year since I moved out yet they still behave as though I'm five years old.

Walking into the house with Mason standing right behind me with my things, my jaw almost dropped when I looked at how different everything looked. It feel like I've walked into someone else's house. The many picture frames hanging on the walls were no longer there, the twins toys weren't scattered all over the place, and the furniture had been rearranged.

"I don't see you for a week and you've turned this place upside down." I joked as I looked at mom and dad who were nervously stood at the end of the staircase. "Twins not home?" I asked as I made my way into the kitchen.

"No they're staying with my parents for a week, they've been complaining about not seeing them as often so Nana flew in and whisked them away." Mom said, her voice slightly higher as she fiddled with her wedding rings. A nervous tick.

"She couldn't have waited a day and taken me too?" I pouted as she rolled her eyes in amusement.

Nana and Pops had last visited for Christmas a few months ago and have been pestering mom and dad to keep the twins and I with them from when the twins were born. I never thought they'd agree to it especially considering they only eight years old and can barely survive the day without our family forget a week.

"They went? Just like that?" I asked in shock as she nodded and slid a plate with a burrito on it to me.

"I'll tell you more about them later, how're you feeling? Any headaches?" She asked as dad and Mason spoke silently in the corner of the kitchen.

"No mom, I'm fine. You don't need to worry about me,'I've fallen a million and one times and I still have a fully functioning brain." I snorted, rolling my eyes in amusement at her worry for me.

"I know baby, but you know I'm a worried." She said with a small smile as she took a seat next to me and kissed the top of my head.

"I'm going to head out, call me or text me if you need anything I'll be here in seconds." Mason said as he walked over to me and wrapped his arms around me.

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