Chapter 7

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"Cmon, love. You won't eat for me?" I pouted as Elle pulled her blanket hugged up and opened her mouth to argue but was instantly cut off with the spoon in her mouth.

"Daddy, it's so yucky." She pouted as hee face scrunched up when I offered her more soup.

"I know, baby but we need to bring your fever down. You don't want to be throwing up all day do you?" I asked as she sighed and shook her head.

As I got ready for work early this morning, I was caught off guard with a pale little Elle running into my room telling me she needed to be sick. I've never reacted so quick in my life, one second we were stood in the middle of my room, and the next I was holding her up while she vomited in the toilet.

We were there for a solid ten minutes before she felt better and stood up. I helped her brush her teeth and tucked her in my bed before checking on Emerson. When one of them gets sick, the other follows close behind. Thankfully enough Emerson was perfectly fine, snoozing away.

After I had called Aiden to let him know I'd be unable to make it to work today, I heard Elle crying from my room and instantly hung up. She was complaining about her stomach and I knew then and there it would be a long day for both of us.

Making the soup took way longer than needed, I was checking up on Elle every other second while she slept. Athena was telling me what I needed to do and how exactly to make the soup, but I ended up messing it up twice. She was genuinely considering making it herself and bringing it over, I think it would have been quicker too.

"Good job, baby girl." I said softly as I kissed the top of her head and put the empty bowl on the coffee table.

Max had come over earlier and took Emerson over to his so he wouldn't catch anything. Though I'm pretty sure he'll still get ill whether it's now or a couple days. 

"Can I take a nap now?" She mumbled sleepily as I grabbed the thermometer to check her temperature.

"After I've checked your temperature, love." I said as she lazily nodded and opened her mouth.


Sighing, I kissed the top of her head once again before cuddling her to my chest. Her eyes fluttered shut and she almost instantly fell asleep. Once I was sure she was asleep, I tapped on Ben's contact and listened to the phone ring. No answer.

Scrolling to the top of my contacts, I called Alex and held my phone against my ear. Please pick up.

"Mason? How are you, man? Everything good?" Alex asked the second he answered the phone.

"Hi Alex, I called Ben but he didn't pick up so I'm guessing he's in surgery?" I asked as I heard yelling in the back.

"Yeah he is, he's been here since seven. Can I help?" He asked as I gently rubbed Elle's back.

"Elle's sick, got a temperate of 101.2°." I whispered.

"Okay, keep an eye on her temperature for the next couple hours. Get a cool cloth and put it over her head, it should help with the temperature. If it doesn't work and it gets worse, bring her in." He said as I slowly got up off the couch, trying my best to not move as much as I need to so she doesn't wake up.

"Okay great, I'll let you know if I need to come in." I whispered as the yelling in the back got louder.

"Okay cool, I've got to go now but keep me updated." He rushed out before hanging up.

Carrying Elle into the kitchen, I held her with one arm and used my other to get everything I needed. I filled a bowl with cold water before grabbing a new pink towel Elle wanted for her bathroom. She was still snoring away and I almost didn't want to move her away from me. Not only did it comfort her but it also comforted me when I held them close to me. I felt as though I was their human shield and protected them from everything the world had to offer.

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