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Sarada was staring at both their parents' faces intently, worried about what they would say.  As butterflies danced in their stomach, many worries were going through Sarada's head. Would they not accept them, kick them out of the house? Who knows? Maybe they'll yell at them.

Sasuke smiled. He was happy that Sarada trusted them enough to tell them. He accepted both their gender and sexuality with love. "That's great, Sarada," he held out his arms for a small hug. Sarada smiled with tears in their eyes. They jumped in their father's arms as he held them loosely. They put their arms around his back while a few tears fell. "Thank you, Papa." Sasuke nodded. 

Sarada looked over at their mother and frowned. Why wasn't she speaking? 

Sakura was processing. She was slowly printing the information on paper and reading it over carefully. She read it over and over again. The news was too much for her. It can't possibly be true! Her daughter will and forever will be a girl, woman, female. Yet, Sakura gives zero shits about the gender Sarada dates. Who cares? Sakura decided that she was going to talk some sense into this girl.

"Mama? Is, Uhm, everything alright?" Sarada stated nervously. They were scared of what their mother would say. They love their mother, though sometimes, she can be controlling and manipulative. It's strange, Sarada's always been afraid of their mother. 

Sakura faced Sarada and smiled with her eyes closed. It was a small, strained smile. Sarada knew the smile was fake. They were afraid. 

"Sarada, honey, I fully accept your sexuality," Sarada smiled, getting their hopes up, "but are you sure you're Non-binary? You don't dress like it, you don't like them, and you've never shown any signs at all." Sarada frowned with a pained expression on their face. Sarada knew their mother would act like this. She's never been that accepting of any gender other than the one you've been born with. 

Sarada felt tears swell up in their eyes. "But mama, I'm sure of it! I am!" Sarada's positive. They've never felt like a girl or a boy. It was always confusing as all the women called them a 'beautiful young lady'. It never felt right. It was always so uncomfortable. 

Sakura glared as her fist clenched unknowingly. She was angry. Doesn't Sarada see that she wants the best for her? That as a mother, she's only trying to give Sarada the best advice. Why won't she just agree?

"Sarada, sweetie, I understand that you may think that you are not a girl. But you are. Look at you! You have boobs, a vagina, a womanly voice, etc. You have all these beautiful womanly features. You should be happy that you're a woman! Why would you want to change that?" Sakura clenched and unclenched her fists. She was standing on the floor now, glaring daggers at her daughter. 

Sarada had tears streaming down their face. They felt betrayed. Hurt. They wanted to scream at their mother.  Sarada wanted to, punch, kick, and rip their mother's skin off layer by layer as she lay there on the floor gasping for air. But they couldn't. They wouldn't. Because they loved their mother. 

"Mama! Mama, please! I never meant it like that! I'm okay with having these features believe me. I just don't feel comfortable with being called a 'she'! Please, mama," Sarada's voice was raspy and shaky. Tears were streaking down their pale cheeks. It hurt. The space that was created in Sarada's heart hurt. They were screaming and crying. Their throat hurt. "Please! Please still love me! Love me, mama, love me!" 

Sarada fell in their father's arms, gasping. 

Sakura's eyes were wide. She felt guilty. She wanted to hug her daughter and cry. Tell her she's sorry. But she knew it would never be that easy now. She'd have to earn Sarda's love and trust back. 

Sasuke had small tears in the corner of his eyes. He took a deep breath and the tears disappeared. He looked at Sakura and glared. His Sharingan was showing at Sakura gasped. Shit.

"I don't care what kind of fucked up shit you have going on inside your head. But this person loves you. You just broke their fucking heart." He took a deep breath and his Sharingan disappeared. "We're leaving for the week."

Sasuke got up and walked towards the door with Sarada in his arms. Since he doesn't have another mission for two weeks, they're going to Naruto's house. 

"Wait! Sasuke-Kun," She grabbed Sasuke's sleeve and made him look at her. "We can talk about this, can't we? I mean, it's not that big of a problem, right? Sarada will be back at her old self as soon as we talk." 

Sasuke shook his head. His eyebrows furrowed. His breathing was ridged. "You still don't get it, do you? You're a fucking idiot. Until you can figure out what you did wrong, you will not be seeing us. Don't talk to Sarada or merely even look at her, you cunt." Sakura let go of his sleeve and gasped.

The bedroom door slammed and shortly after, the front.

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