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"Mom Dad? What happened? Why is mom crying?" Sarada what extremely confused. They wanted to say goodnight to her parents properly and they walked into this. Wait- why are there cigarettes in the room? They looked at their parents and gave the two a questioning look. Sasuke sighed.

"Come and sit down, Sarada. There's a lot you missed out on." Sasuke said as he sat on the bed and gestured towards a spot between Sakura and him. Sarada walked over to the bed and sat down.

Sarada looked strangely at her parents. They kept trying to comprehend was what happening and what went on in the room before she came in. There had to be a lot of things going on. Sarada has never seen their mom cry much. Assuming she was an emotionally and physically strong woman, Sarada never took the liberty to check up on their mother once in a while. Sarada felt guilt settle in their heart. Have they been a bad daughter? They should have done better. "Sarada?" 

Sarada whipped their head toward the voice. "Yeah?" They must have been zoning out again. That's been happening a lot recently. They get lost in their head and the outside world doesn't end up existing for a while.

"We need to talk to you..about a lot of things. It's very important." Sasuke was struggling to form the words needed to say what's been happening to his 12-year-old daughter. He still has to figure out the reasons for Sakura bursting out into tears. It isn't that big of a deal. She said the reason for her smoking was because of the pressure. That was the reason when she used to be a teenager. So, what's the reason tonight

"I found out that your mother has been smoking. We are not going to tell you why unless your mother allows it," Sasuke took a deep breath. "What did you want to say earlier?"

What? Their mother was, is, smoking? Then they realized. The smell of cigarettes drenched the room with its smell since they were an infant. How have they not noticed? Were they perhaps as ignorant as they've told themself? That can't be it, right? Sarada felt betrayed by themself. Perhaps their mind isn't as sharp as they've been told. They are stupid.

"Sarada, honey? Are you alright?" Sarada sucked in the air as much as they could. Oops. "Yeah, I'm fine mom." Sakura smiled. Through that smile, she didn't believe her daughter one bit. She kept wondering why Sarada took a deep breath. So deep, it was almost as if she was suffocating. It was strange. She also didn't appreciate the way everyone found out about her small 'problem'. It was aggravating. "What did you want to tell us earlier tonight, honey?" 

Sarada's nerves started going off like fireworks. The butterflies in their stomach started to dance. This was it. This was the moment when everything will change the way their parents look at them. It was horrifying. 

They took a deep breath. "Mama, Papa, I'm Bisexual and Non-binary." The two parents' eyes widened tremendously. Sarada's palms got sweaty. 

Sorry I've been gone so long! I ended up having to go to the hospital and school started. I also decided to work on my other story. So, this one has kind of been on hold. I sincerely apologize for the delay. I'll try to update at least once every one or two months, along with my other story also. By the way, you should go read it! Very worth it. Have an amazing Day/Night! 

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