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   The night went on with Naruto sleeping on the couch and Hinata crying herself to sleep. Back at the restaurant, Hinata sobbed in Naruto's chest, while he rubbed her back. He felt guilty. He didn't mean for things to go like that. He and Sasuke were going to let them both down gently on Tuesday, but things didn't go to plan. Plus he also has to find Boruto and Mitsuki. Honestly, this is a terrible week.

   But that's what happened to them.

   After they all left the dinner, Sakura and Sasuke went home. They didn't talk. They just walked in awkward silence while Sakura thought about what to say when they got home.

   Once they walked inside, Sasuke walked towards the spare bedroom. He was tired and didn't feel like talking tonight after what happened. After all, the whole village will soon know about his and Naruto's relationship, so it's best to get a good night's sleep, right? 

   "Wait! Sasuke-Kun! Can you wait for a second...? I want to talk." Sakura yelled out while sitting down on the couch. She was tired as well, but she had too many things on her mind to go to sleep now. Sasuke sighed. He knew this was coming and he didn't feel like talking about it. He rubbed his temples and then turned around.

   He walked over to the couch and sat down. The two were on the ends of the couch(Sakura trying to sit as far away as possible) and Sasuke was ready to get this over with.

   "So Sasuke-Kun, I was wondering, since we're probably going to get a divorce and all...what's going to happen to the kids? Especially Sarada! Hell, she's probably coming home tomorrow considering all the shit that's happened. Just please..don't say anything for the next few days and act as if nothing happened." Sakura started to stand up and walk over to Sasuke. 

   "Please! For her. And on Monday, we can give her the news. Okay?"  

   Sasuke nodded. Even though she was Sakura's, he loved his daughter dearly and was willing to do anything for her. And he knew Sakura felt the same way. 

   Sakura sighed. A satisfied one, at that. She was happy that Sarada got to live her life like normal for one more week. So, for now, they were going to act as if nothing had happened. They also need to get the message to Naruto and Hinata.

   Just as the two were about to walk off and back to their rooms, the front door slammed open. They both whirled around to see who it was. Sarada was standing in the doorway with her bag on the floor. And was it just them, or was their hair a bit longer?

   They looked dirty standing there. You could almost see it. All they wanted to do was get to bed. They'll worry about the shower in the morning. Sarada sighed and walked over to the couch and fell on it. They didn't even care about their things, so they were still sitting there in the doorway.

   Sakura slightly gasped and ran over to her daughter. While almost tripping over the corner of the carpet. A couple of seconds later, Sasuke followed. "Sarada, honey! Are you alright? Why are you home so early? I thought you would be back tomorrow?" Sakura said while crouching down to Sarada's face and slowly rubbing their head.

   Sasuke sat down by the end of Sarada's feet. He started to rub their back gently, all while feeling a bit awkward.

   "Mmm...I wanted to come home early because I have something to tell you..." Sarada said already half asleep. Although they love their parents, they want them to let them sleep.

   "Important? What is it?" Sakura asked eagerly. She wanted to know what was so important that Sarada couldn't wait for tomorrow. It took Sarada a while to answer since they were somewhat asleep already. 

   "I'll tell you...tomorrow.." At that, Sarada fell asleep completely. 

   Sakura stood back up with her hands on her hips. "I don't get it. What could be so important that she couldn't wait until tomorrow? And on top of that, she proceeded to tell us that she's going to tell us the 'important information' tomorrow!"

   Sakura was not happy. She was tired and frustrated. She just needed a cigarette. Yes, a late-night smoke, that's what she needed. But how was she going to do it with Sasuke here?  And how was she going to do it and not get caught?

   "Um, Sasuke-Kun, I'm going to go get some fresh air for a little bit. I'll be back in about an hour, ok?" Sakura said. Sasuke nodded and made his way to the spare bedroom. 

   Once the bedroom door closed, Sakura headed to the main bedroom. She went inside and quietly walked towards the nightstand by the closet. She dropped down on her knees and stuck her hand under it. When she felt her hand touch a small box and a wide stick, she took her hand out.

   But when she took her hand out, a couple of spiderwebs were stuck to the cigarette packet. 

   Gross. Just how long ago did I last smoke? 

   She sighed and stood up. She quickly dusted off the spiderwebs with her hands. She removed her shoes and started slowly walking toward the window. The window was already open. She stepped onto the ledge of it and jumped up to the roof. She sat down on the roof cross-legged.

   A couple of cigarettes fell out on the way, so she picked one up and stuck the end of it inside her mouth. She picked up the lighter and brought it towards the cigarette. She flicked the flame on. It made her face a bright orange.  She lit the cigarette and dropped the lighter into her lap. 

   Oh, how she loved the feeling of relief it gave her. And how she got to watch the smoke fly up into the sky. She smoked about 4-6 cigarettes. A little more than she used to. 

   When she got back inside, Sasuke was standing there.

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