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"Ah..shit. Where the hell are we?" Boruto asked as he sat up and held his head. He looked around and saw that they were in a forest. Wondering how he got here, he looked over at Mitsuki and shook him softly.
"Mitsuki, wake up.." He said. Mitsuki squirmed a bit and woke up. He looked around and sat up.

"Boruto, where are we?" He asked. Boruto shrugged and stood up.
"I don't know. I woke up and we were here." He said. He held out his hand to help Mitsuki get up. He said 'thank you and they both looked around at the scenery in front of them.

There was a small house near a small river at the end of the forest. The house looked small and cozy. The walk will probably take about an hour or so.
"So, uh, what do we do? I mean we ended up in a random forest with nothing but the scroll." Boruto asked. Then it clicked. How were they supposed to get home? They both had the scroll but had no memory of how they got here. Were they still in Suna? Wait- no. They're in a forest.

"I don't know. The only logical option would be to walk over to that house." Mitsuki said. He took another look around and noticed that there was a village far back the opposite way from the house. It looked like the walk would be two or more hours if they didn't run. 

"Ugh, but I don't wanna walk over there! It's too tiring! Mitsuki, do we have to?" Mitsuki turned to look at Boruto and smiled. 

"We can sit and rest here for a little while. How about that?" He said. Boruto smiled back and plopped on the ground. It was a little hard, but he can manage. 

It was an awkward silence between the two. In truth, they both didn't talk much with each other because they didn't want to possibly ruin their relationship by accidentally slipping out their feelings for each other. 

Boruto decided that the silence was too much for him. 

"Mitsuki, how did we get here? Do you remember at all?" Boruto asked. He wasn't sure how they got here. And if either one of them could remember, they'd be lucky as hell.

"Sadly, I don't, Boruto. The only thing I remember is running away from Konaharmaru and Sarada, then opening the scroll." He was hoping that Boruto remembered more than he did because they maybe could figure out how to get home. 

"Oh, damn. I guess we just have to wait it out or something until our memories come back, huh?" Boruto said with an awkward smile. 
Mitsuki smiled back. 

He scooted closer to Boruto and laid down. Boruto followed soon after. Boruto was blushing madly. Was he sitting this close to his crush while they were alone? 

Is this happening?!

Mitsuki looked over at Boruto and smiled. He found it adorable when Boruto blushed like that. It was practically at his ears! The truth is that Mitsuki already knows about Boruto's feelings for him. He feels the same way but is just waiting for Boruto to tell him himself. Though, I guess doing small things wouldn't hurt, right?

Mitsuki scooted closer and held Boruto's hand lightly. Boruto looked back over and smiled. (While still blushing of course.) 

Time went by quickly as they lay on the ground together. It was soon an hour later and the sun was going down. Mitsuki quickly got up and held out his hand for Boruto. He took it and also stood up. 

"It's starting to get dark, we should start heading to the house now," Mitsuki said. Boruto nodded and started running. Mitsuki followed after him. 

When they got to the house, a woman opened the door. She looked to be around her mid 30's.

"Oh my, what are such handsome young boys doing at my house at this time of day? Is everything alright?" She asked. The woman was concerned because her house was very far from what other travelers would go. 

"Yes Ma'am, everything is fine. We would just like to know what time it is and where we are." Boruto said. 

"Oh, well the time is 7:36 PM, and you're in the Village of Konoha."

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