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Hello, The song up there is for a couple of paragraphs below. I just think it sets the mood. You can play it if you want.

   Boruto yawned. He snuggled into the warmth beside him, waiting a little longer before he gets up. Silence settled for a while before he quickly snapped opened his eyes. He realized the warmth was breathing. He looked up and saw Mitsuki. Mitsuki had his arms wrapped around him.

   Boruto was so happy he could burst! Sure, he remembered falling asleep next to Mitsuki, but that was it. He must've been half asleep already by the time Mitsuki had started to hug him. Boruto took this chance to cuddle back into the warmth. A few minutes after, he heard shuffling outside and inside his room. He propped up on his elbow and glanced around the room. He looked up and saw the most terrifying thing a 13-year-old could see. His Sensei. Konoharmaru was looking down at Mitsuki and him. He was going to wake them both up, but he stopped once he saw the beautiful scene in front of him. Boruto screamed. Mitsuki jumped up and looked around the room. "What happened? Is everyone alright?" Mitsuki asked. He heard heavy breathing beside him. Boruto was trying to get his breathing under control after a very terrifying scare. 

   Mitsuki turned toward Boruto and cupped his cheek with his hand. A look of worry on his face. "Boruto, are you okay? Are you perhaps, the one who screamed?" Boruto blushed. He nodded and nuzzled Mitsuki's hand. A few seconds later, the door burst open. Gasping could be heard. They all looked over to see Sarada with their hair wet, glassed crooked, and their clothes on. "I heard screaming while I was in the shower! I came as fast as I could! Is everybody ok?" They said. They looked around the room frantically. Then their eyes landed on the two lovebirds. They gasped. "OMG! THAT IS THE CUTEST FUCKING THING I HAVE EVER SEEN!" They rushed over and sat down.

   Boruto flushed a deep red. He quickly removed Mitsuki's hand and awkwardly smiled. Sarada smirked. "I've seen it now. You can't take it back! Ha!" They teased. The two teens started bickering. Spitting insults one after the other. Mitsuki was confused. He's seen the two argue over other things, but he didn't understand what they were arguing about. All he did was touch Boruto's face. Was there something wrong with that? Did he do something wrong? "What are you guys arguing about? Did I do something wrong?" Mitsuki said. He had a look of pity on his face. Sarada chuckled. They turned around and put a hand over their mouth and started laughing. Boruto glared at them and slightly smacked them on the arm. They glared back. Still laughing, of course. Boruto shook his head a bit and headed over to where Mitsuki was. He sat down beside him, cross-legged. He sighed. "No, Mitsuki. You did nothing wrong. They were just being a dumb shit." Said Boruto.

"Hey! I am not a dumb shit!" Said Sarada. Konoharmaru looked over at them both. He was getting his clothes on. Currently, he has his shirt and pants on. "Hey, watch your language you two!" The two teens started giggling. As for Mitsuki, he just smiled.


Everyone was walking to the Kazekages' office to give him the scroll. The walk was going to be somewhat long. They all passed houses after houses. The only reason they're walking is that they want to see the sights. Mitsuki was looking at everything. He found it quite peaceful walking around the village with his friends/crush. Boruto and Sarada have been their plenty of times, so they weren't as interested as Mitsuki was. Boruto looked over at Mitsuki and sighed. "Hey, Mitsuki? Are we still going for the plan tonight?" Boruto said in a very low whisper. Sarada was a few inches away from the two, so they decided to eavesdrop on their conversation. Mitsuki looked over at Boruto and smiled. "Do you mean the plan to steal the scroll? If so, then yes. I am." Mitsuki said. 

Frankly, Mitsuki was excited that he gets time with Boruto. The two boys haven't had enough time recently. "Ok, cool! So, what time were you thinking?" Said Boruto. He blushed slightly and turned his head to the side. 'Damn it. I made it sound like a date...' Thought Boruto. Mitsuki smiled and tapped Borutos' shoulder. Boruto turned and came to face with a bright smiling Mitsuki. His blushed deepened into a beautiful cherry red.

   "Well, maybe we could do it right about now?" Mitsuki said as he pointed in Sarada's direction. They quickly turned their head and frantically started looking around. Boruto saw the actions his friend did and groaned. 'Shitty Sarada. Always budding into people's business.' Boruto thought. Though, Sarada does have the scroll. Boruto walked over to them and grabbed their shoulder, making them turn around. " Hey, Sarada? You still have the scroll, right?" He asked. Sarada groaned and put their hand on their hip. "Are you really going through with this plan? It was only a joke, y'know." Said Sarada. Boruto rolled his eyes and took her bag. "Yeah, we're doing it!" Boruto said in a whisper. He looked through the bag and threw out everything. "Hmm...Ah! YES! Found it!" Boruto whisper yelled. Sarada turned towards Boruto and flicked him on the forehead. Boruto yelped. He rubbed his forehead slowly. "What the hell was that for Sarada?! You jerk!" Boruto yelled. Konohamaru turned around suspiciously glared at the two teens. Boruto, having already put the scroll in his pocket, was sweating oceans. 

   Konohamaru turned back around and the two teens sighed. Sarada turned towards Boruto and sighed. "I really can't believe you're going through with this. I'm actually starting to think that you're only doing this to spend time with Mitsuki." Sarada said with a smirk on their face. Boruto blushed and started lecturing Sarada, careful not to drop the scroll in his pocket. Mitsuki was a few feet away from them, keeping his eyes on Boruto, and paid no mind to the two of them bickering. Boruto finished his lecture and sighed. "Thanks for the scroll, Sarada," Boruto said sarcastically. "I'll be going back to Mitsuki now." He said. The blond walked back over to Mitsuki but suddenly stopped. Mitsuki was staring. At him! Mitsuki smiled. A beautiful one. His yellow eyes looked like gold shining in the sun. His blue hair looked as if it was the sky itself. The sun poked through the leaves and made him look like he was born from it. Boruto flushed a crimson red and continued walking to his destination.

   "H-hey, I, uh, got the scroll. So, um, when were you thinking of doing it?" Boruto asked as the two boys kept walking. Mitsuki hummed. He thought about it for a bit before answering, "How about in 10-20 minutes? After all, we do have a bit before we get to the Kazekages tower. And I would like to spend that time with you." Mitsuki said. Boruto blushed and started fidgeting with his fingers. He looked away. "U-uh, yeah sure," Boruto said. Everybody kept walking.

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