19: Regret!

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Song: Without Me- Halsey

Sun rays hit my eyes causing me to wake up. The sound of waves hitting rocks could be heard in a near distance. My head was pounding with pain as I opened my eyes. The car was parked at a seaside and the view of the sea was in front of me.

It happened again.

"UGH" I angrily yelled

I hit the steering wheel in frustration causing a bruise on my hand which I didn't give a damn about. I was sick and tired of not being able to control my flashbacks and letting them control me instead. Memories of my past always triggered me bad.

Everytime my memory was triggered, it was like a new Jungkook took control over me. The one who wasn't me.

My bruised hand brushed over a leather item. It was a purse. Oh no...


I drove at full speed breaking every driving rule looking around all the streets I drove last night to find Y/n. It had been 20 minutes and I couldn't find her.

"This is all my fault" I sighed in frustration

I left her somewhere on the middle of a road at NIGHT when it was raining COLD. My headache was killing me physically but the thought of not being able to find y/n mentally killed me.

Her purse was in my car so she didn't have a phone or money to contact anyone or go to some hotel. The more I thought about it, the more guilty and scared I felt.

The creeps who roam around that hour. Oh please no.

I messed up so bad.

Just please let me find her, I don't even want her to accept my apology, I just want to know if she's alright.

I didn't have any choice but to go home. Maybe she would be there. What will I tell the others? What if something happened to her— like someone took her.

I hit my hand for the second time in frustration and guilt on the steering wheel. It started to bleed a little. I just want to find Y/n, safe and alright.

Pulling up in the driveway of my mansion, I saw another unfamiliar car. Walking inside quietly, I heard commotion from the living room. I hid behind a wall to know what was going on.

Lisa was hugging y/n while Jackson sat on the carpet next to y/n. There was an unfamiliar guy next to Yoongi. Y/n looked dead and sleepy.

"Thank you so much for helping" Taehyung spoke

"She's my friend there's no need to thank me" the unknown guy smiled politely

"She was coming back with Jungkook right? How did this happen?" Jimin asked

"Y/nnnnnn? Can you tell what happened??" Jackson asked her

"I don't know what happened but he just left me" y/n spoke, yawning afterwards

"I was standing for an hour at least, I didn't have my bag, so no phone or money. It was cold and dark. I don't remember what time Jaemin came because I was half asleep" y/n spoke

"It was around 11pm I guess? You looked sleepy and I didn't know where you live, so I just took you to my house. My maid arranged the guest room until morning" Jaemin spoke

"Well, thank you a lot Jaemin" Jimin spoke

"I knew it. That Jeon Jungkook. He did this" Lisa spoke madly

"Why would he just tell her to get out and leave? In the middle of a rainstorm at night! That isn't like him. If her friend didn't show up, god knows what would have happened" Taehyung spoke bewildered

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