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luke came walking into the room and gave me a tiny smile.

"so your mom did talk about me." luke spoke softly.

i nodded as i sat there holding my stomach.

i felt a huge surge of pain and doubled over as tears continued rolling down my face.

"let's get you some relief love." luke sighed as he gently grabbed the IV from michael and sat down next to me.

"i-it hurts." i sobbed.

"look over at michael for me." luke whispered as he gently grabbed my arm.

i immediately tensed up as tears were pouring out of my eyes.

michael gently grabbed my head and leaned it into him.

i felt a tiny sting before i felt nothing.

"just don't look at it." luke spoke swiftly as he covered it with a bandaid.

i nodded softly.

"you have blood blisters from crying." luke pointed out as he looked at me.

"i-i can't stop because it hurts." i stuttered.

"i know, try to rest it off. the medication should kick in and then we'll talk about how to prevent these cysts." luke sighed as he left the room with ashton and michael right behind him.

as soon as they left the room, i passed out from the sedatives i was given.

luke's pov

i walked into barbra's room to see her writing in a tiny book.

"what's that?" i asked.

"a book for indigo. she's going to miss me when i pass luke. we both know the chances i get a heart transplant are low." she smiled sadly.

"low, but not impossible." i pointed out.

"true, but she's going to need her mom still." barbra shrugged as she continued writing.

"i'm sorry for leaving." i spoke suddenly.

"luke- "no really, i am. i finally see how much it hurt you." i interrupted.

"you didn't hurt me. well, you did, but not as much as her." barbra sighed softly as she set her pen down.

"she probably doesn't even remember." i replied.

"luke, she remembers you walking out on me. she remembers the yelling we did at each other when she was a kid. she knows. why do you think she's so protective of my feelings when it comes to you." she spit out.

"i- "no please just go. give me a second. i don't want to argue." she whispered as tears flooded her eyes.

i nodded swiftly before leaving the room. i wasn't doing anything good by offering to help her.

indigo's pov

i woke up with the sharp pain gone and just an underlying dull pain.

i gently sat up and stood up and looked down to see blood on the bed. the perks of having a heavy period.

i began to walk away but completely forgot i had an IV in and ripped it out of my arm. blood started dripping to the floor and i quickly put pressure.

i quietly walked out of my room and into mom's next door.

"hey in- what happened? are you okay?" mom asked as she stared at me holding my bleeding arm.

"indigo no baby, why? don't do that shit. you can always talk to me." mom stressed.

she thought i cut myself.

"i accidentally tore out an IV. don't worry i'm fine. i just need a tampon." i whispered as i went to my bag and grabbed one out.

i went into the bathroom wrapped loads of toilet paper around my arm and did my business before washing my hands and leaving the restroom.

i sat down beside mom's bed and let my head hit her hand.

"i know, it's hard." she whispered as she began to stroke my hair.

"i think one of my cysts passed already. i don't feel the harsh pain anymore." i sighed.

"that's good, one more to go." mom spoke trying to be enthusiastic.

all of a sudden the door swung open and calum appeared.

"holy fuck, i thought you disappeared." calum sighed as he walked towards me.

"do you need something?" i asked.

"i need to know why you ripped your IV out and what you plan on doing with a bleeding arm." he replied sarcastically.

"you're not very nice." i spit out.

"excuse me?" calum replied.

"you heard m- "okay! stop fighting. jesus, who's the adult here cal? indigo stop just let him help you clean that up." mom spoke as she held her head.

i gently nodded and followed behind him out of the room.

calum sat me down and began to clean my cut before stopping briefly.

"let's start over, i don't want you to hate me. i'm really not a mean person." calum spoke softly.

"deal." i replied.

after a couple hours of me doing nothing, dr. jung gave me the okay to go back to the house with the boys. she couldn't predict when the next one was going to rupture, but she didn't think it would be that night.

we arrived at the house and i went up to change my tampon again before dinner. we ate dinner and i went upstairs to sit with midnight.

he was doing better. not as skinny or shaky as before. it's like we switched places.

i remember falling asleep before walking up again 1 am in excruciating pain.

i shot out of bed and doubled over as i stood up, i began to waddle over to the closet bedroom and opened the door while sobbing.

"it hurts. it's back." i spoke as i was crouched over in pain.

i looked up slightly and saw luke already standing up getting ready to help me.

maybe he wasn't too bad.

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