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after a couple minutes i composed myself and quickly pushed ashton away.

"that never happened." i muttered as i walked away.

i needed to stay composed or they would almost definitely throw me in a hole.

i walked back into mom's room to see her sitting there talking to luke.

"hey indigo." luke spoke softly.

"i need to talk to my mom." i stated firmly.

"you can say what you want in front of- "no i really can't. i don't know him. he's a stranger." i spoke simply.

i saw luke stand up, "fair enough. i'll be back in later to check on your vitals." luke smiled softly as we walked away.

"what's going on baby? you're so angry all of a sudden." mom spoke softly.

"did you really think i wouldn't notice. it's so obvious that you like him." i muttered as i sat down next to the bed.

"well yeah, he's your father. i have to like him." mom replied softly.

"he's not my father. i don't even know him." i spoke firmly with a slight glare in my eyes.

"indigo, whether you accept him as your father or not doesn't mean he isn't. he is half of your DNA." mom replied.

"and? just because someone is related to you through blood, doesn't make them family." i mumbled.

"okay enough, just leave it. if you don't want to get to know him that's fine. i understand." mom sighed as she turned away.

i felt bad, but i didn't want to get to know this man. mom could like him all she wanted, that didn't mean i had to.

i stood up and walked out of the room without another glance.

i walked past luke and i could feel his eyes burning into the back of my head, but i didn't even spare him a glance.

i walked outside and into the small courtyard they had in the back of the hospital.

i began to walk around the paths when a tiny kitten popped up.

"oh my." i whispered as i picked up the kitten gently.

"i bet you feel lost too, don't you?" i sighed as i brought the shaking kitten closer to my chest.

i walked around a little more before arriving at the entrance again.

i quickly hid the tiny kitten in my jacket and made my way slowly back to mom's room.

i entered the room and saw luke sitting there again with mom.

"h- "i need to use the loo then i'll be out of your way." i spoke before walking into the restroom.

i gently pulled the kitten out and checked the gender. crazy right? i felt bad misgendering a cat.

the kitten was a he. i quickly bathed him in the sink until most of the dirt was off him before drying him off with a towel.

"i'm going to call you midnight. it's just me and you babe." i whispered as i held him close to my chest again.

all of a sudden i heard a knock on the door.

midnight meowed in response.

"was that a fucking cat?" mom asked from the outside.

"is he gone?" i mumbled.

"yeah, he stepped out to go check on another patient. why the hell did you smuggle a cat in?" mom spoke softly.

i slowly opened the door and showed her midnight.

"meet midnight. i found him outside." i smiled softly.

"okay, i take it back. i would take midnight inside too." mom smiled before gently picking midnight up and holding him.

"he's adorable." mom spoke as she handed him back.

"i don't think i can keep him here in the hospital though." i mumbled.

"definitely no- "so, what was causing you pain again?" luke asked as he walked in.

i quickly turned around and kept my back to him.

"woah, personal conversation or something?" he asked.

"nope, um, indigo was just leaving." mom spoke with a stiff smile.

"barbra i was married to you for a couple years, i can tell when your hiding something. turn around?" luke spoke hesitantly.

i slowly turned around and luke almost jumped out of his skin when he saw midnight.

"oh gosh, he's adorable! but you can't keep him in here." luke spoke.

"i know, i think i'll just crash in a hotel maybe." i replied.

"or you could just crash at our place. we have an extra room and you wouldn't have to pay." luke added.

"perfect! that sounds perfect. thank you luke." mom

"um, no thanks." i replied.

"he's just trying to be nice babe." mom spoke softly.

"he missed that stage when i was 5 mom. it's gonna be pretty hard to make up for that much of lost time." i spoke before turning and walking away leaving my mom and luke in the room.

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