Another Christmas PiratePunk Miracle, Matey...

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Back around Christmas, we asked you 'troopers to write a comment-sized story or caption using the image above

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Back around Christmas, we asked you 'troopers to write a comment-sized story or caption using the image above. This is what you came up with!


"Avast! Drop Anchor!"

"Anchor's lost, Cap'n!"

"Get another! Avast!"

"None found, Cap'n!"

"Avast ye! A bounty: 200 pieces of 8 for the man who gets me another anchor!"

In the galley, Dishpan sighed. "If we had 200 pieces of eight, Cookie, we could retire. Nothing here will make an anchor."

Cookie nodded at the cupboard that held the many, many fruitcakes passed from pirate captain to pirate captain over the years.

"Blimey! That's an anchor?!"

"Our last hope, Cap'n!"

"Avast! Drop anchor!"

"Ship windrode, Cap'n!"


"How will we hide our 200 pieces of 8 from freebooters, Cookie?

Cookie looked at the flour, the mound of candied fruit, the nuts, and winked. Soon fruitcakes stuffed with gold were safely in the cupboard.


"Blimey! Why did Cookie and Dishpan want to bury those old fruitcakes on this balmy Gulf shore?!"

"Dunno, Cap'n."

Moral: If in your wanderings you dig up a pirate chest filled with fruitcake, don't eat the cake.


"Captain? We're still caught in this blasted snowstorm. It's been weeks now, and even from the masttop we can't see further than two boat lengths at most. No wonder the crew thinks this ship is cursed."


Cap'n, I think we're approaching an event horizon!


"No, Sir, you must have misheard me. I said: 'A snow globe pirate ship.' Why would I call ye a snob pile of shït?" 

Tevun-Krus #108 - International 7: The Big Bang!Where stories live. Discover now