A Punch to the Gut

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"I love your roommate," Harper said softly, as she moved her fingers around my stomach. As her fingernails grazed my abs, goosebumps covered my body.

I laughed at her out of nowhere comment. "Why do you say that? I don't think you've even met him yet. He's never around."

She looked up at me, her light blue eyes filled with amusement. "That's exactly why I love him."

I laughed again, harder this time, which caused both of us to bounce against the cheap ass mattress. I really did hit the roommate lottery with Tyler. He was a nice guy, never touched any of my food in the mini fridge, and spent the majority of his time in his girlfriend's room. She was an RA, which meant she had a dorm room to herself, which luckily for him, meant a ton of privacy.

"I'll tell him you said that," I muttered as I ran my fingers through her silky strands. "But you better not love him more than me."

Harper tapped her chin, as if she had to think it over. "It's hard to say, really."

"Is that so?" I grinned at her before I flipped her over onto her back, moving my hands to the places I knew tickled her the most.

"Carter, stop," she squealed. She tried to push my hands away from her smooth skin, but it wasn't going to happen.

"I have to think about it," I mocked her.

I moved my hands away from her flat stomach and instead inched them down to the area behind her knees. I had no idea why, but that was her tickle sweet spot. Right away she started to squirm around like crazy, but we both knew she wouldn't be able to escape. I had mad tickling skills.

"Carter!" She begged, then brought her lips up to mine.

Against my own will, my hands started to travel back up her body. I could feel her smile against my lips, and I knew she thought she had won. Little did she know, this was a win-win situation for me, because being able to make out with her is something I would never qualify as losing.

"No fair," I muttered as I pulled away from her lips for a second. Which was like torture. "I was having fun tickling your popliteal fossa."

She pulled back even further from me, narrowing her eyebrows in confusion. "My what?"

"Your popliteal fossa," I repeated. "That is the official name for the back of your knee."

She gave me a look. "When did you get so smart?"

I shrugged, my gaze dropping back to her delicious lips. I needed another taste of her.

She gave me a wide grin, and I couldn't help but wonder if she needed a taste of me as well. "It's kind of sexy."

I grinned. "Yeah?"

She didn't answer me. Instead, she brushed her lips against mine, and just like that, we were tangled up in a deep kiss. The kind of kiss that made your heart stop beating yet speed up at the same time. That made the room feel like it was spinning and that time didn't exist.

Unfortunately, time did exists, and my alarm went off on my phone, alerting me of that fact.

I groaned as I pulled myself away from Harper's puffy lips. I forced myself out of the bed so I could shut it off.

"What's that for?"

"I have to go study," I told her reluctantly. It was going to be painful sitting there with Charlotte instead of lying in this bed with Harper.

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