Failed Surprises

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"Thank god it's Friday," my friend Julie said as we walked out of our biology class together.

"I know! Do you have any exciting plans for the weekend?" I asked her as we inched towards the front door of the building.

That was the problem of having a class located so close to the entrance, when your professor never let you out of class on time. There was always a crowd of people.

"Sure, if you call writing a seven page essay exciting."

I wrinkled up my nose at the thought. "Yeah…not really."

She laughed. "That's what I thought. You know, people always talk about how fun college is, and how great it is to have freedom to do whatever you want. The thing is though, I've been so busy with school work, that I haven't even had time to do anything my parents would disapprove of."

I laughed, because that definitely wasn't true for me.

"And I'm pretty sure half of my professors are more controlling than my parents are," I added in.

"What are your plans?" She asked, pushing open the heavy door, holding it open for me to walk out, which of course meant five other people took advantage of that.

I lifted my shoulders. "I'm not sure, probably hanging out with Carter."

"Oh right," Julie said with a laugh. "Of course, the hot boyfriend. I don't remember what it's like being around hot guys."

I laughed, giving her a light shove. "You need to put down the books and go out one night this weekend."

"Yeah right, sure."

"I'm serious! Go meet some hot guys. You're too young to be this bitter."

She paused, as if she was thinking it over. "Maybe you're right. If I do-"

"When you do," I corrected her.

"When I do, I'll update you."

I gave a victorious smile. "Have fun!"

I started walking towards my dorm room, my mood lifting with every step. It helped that it was a perfect day out; warm from all the sunshine, with a cool breeze, and splashes of color starting to form on the trees.

It was my favorite time of the year, hoodie season, which sadly only lasted a couple of weeks between the blazing hot months and the time we are up to our knees in snow. We wouldn't have many more days like this that was for sure.

I couldn't help but think it was a perfect night for a movie and a stroll around campus, preferably with ice cream.

I reached into my purse, pulling out my phone. I went to my messages, opening the tab with Carter's name, laughing as I looked over the last few things we had sent to each other. It was mainly emoji's, the ones with the heart for eyes and the blowing kisses. Of course at one point I had to send a heart to him in every color, in which he replied with the guy and girl with a heart between them.

I would be laughing at how lame we were if I didn't find it so adorable.

He was so adorable.

"Hello Harper!"

I glanced up from my phone to see Mrs. Brewer, my creative writing professor, walking towards me. I automatically put my phone in the back pocket of my jeans, as if I would get in trouble for being on my phone.

"Hello professor Brewer."

"I'm so glad I ran into you," she said as she took off her sunglasses. She folded them up and placed them into her coat pocket.

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