Feels like Love

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"So where are you guys going?" Ashley asked, picking up a dress off of my bed to hold against her.

"I'm not sure, but knowing Carter, there will be food involved," I told her as I looked in the mirror, smoothing out the black dress I had on.

It was the third dress I had tried on, and I think it was the one. It was short, clung to me in all the right places, and even though it was a sexy dress, it still left some things to the imagination. I had worn plenty of dresses like this around Carter before, but never for him.

Ashley's eyes met mine in the mirror and she laughed, shaking her head at me. "Girl, if you wear that dress the only appetite he will have will be for you."

I laughed as I turned to face her, giving my wavy hair a light fluff with my hands.

"Seriously, you should just quit school and become a Victoria Secret model."

I laughed harder. "Oh yeah, because my dad would love that."

"No, but Carter certainly would," she said with a knowing grin.


She tossed the dress she had been holding back on my bed and instead starting looking through my jewelry. "So, I have to ask. Is it weird doing all of this with him, considering how long you've known him?"

"No, surprising it doesn't feel strange at all. It just feels…right," I told her, feeling a blush on my face. That was the first time I was admitting that.

A grin spread across her lips. "This is so cute, I can't take it. You have to give me some credit though, I totally called it."

My phone buzzed loudly against my desk and I walked over, unable to control my own smile when I saw Carter's name on my screen. Butterflies filled my stomach as I slide my finger across the screen, opening his message.

Carter: So… I have a date with this incredible girl soon. I'm so nervous, I changed my shirt five times. Don't tell her that though :P

I was grinning so hard at his message that my face started hurting. I'm pretty sure that if Ashley wasn't in the room, I would have been hugging the phone to my chest, squealing. I tried to ignore Ashley's curious stare as I typed back to him.

When in doubt, always go with choice C.

I looked up at Ashley, biting my lip to try to control the ridiculous smile on my face. "Speak of the devil…" I told her, rubbing my face to ease the pain.

She laughed. "Yeah, I kind of figured. I didn't think you would be grinning at your phone like that if it was your mom."

My phone vibrated in my hand, and once again I slide opened Carter's message.

Carter: Shirt C it is then…man this is pretty exhausting… maybe the date should just be done sans clothes…

I laughed out loud for that one, and I guess her curiosity finally got the best of her, because Ashley walked over to me.

"What's so funny?"

I passed my phone over to her. "Here, read for yourself. The sad thing is, I think he is only half joking."

She took my phone, giggling as she read it. "I don't think he's joking at all. And you should take him up on that offer, he's yummy."

I laughed and put my hand out for my phone back, then saw a mischievous glint in her eyes as she didn't hand it back over. "I have the best response," she told me.

I groaned. "Ashley, no-"

"Trust me, it's perfect."

She quickly typed something and handed the phone back over to me. It was already vibrating with a response and I could help but laugh as I read.

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