No More Kissing Frogs

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"You guys are making me sick," I said, placing my fork on my plate.

I was having lunch with Charlotte and Noah, and they seemed more interested in feeding each other than themselves. Noah had just fed Charlotte a bit of his food, and it was the fourth time they've done that since we sat down five minutes ago. I guess that's what happens when you're in love.

"Oh please," Charlotte said, taking a bite of her turkey sandwich. I swear, if she offers Noah a bite, I will scream. "I've seen your public displays of affection, and this is weak compared to those."

I couldn't argue with her on that one, but for some reason feeding someone seemed more intimate than making out whenever, and wherever, the mood would strike. But, I didn't want to admit she was right, so I started eating my salad again.

"Besides," she continued on, "I thought you were some sappy, hopeless romantic, like me."

"I am, but I'm also realistic," I reminded her.

I've been with enough guys to know that whatever expectations you have going into the relationship are probably too high, and you are bound to be disappointed, one way or another. I also knew that most guys my age are way more interested in what's inside my bra rather than what's inside my heart. Most, not all. And it would be mission to find one, hopefully without kissing a bunch of frogs first.

Noah cleared his throat, seeming slightly uncomfortable with the girl talk. Not that I could blame him, I was kind of uncomfortable myself. "How was your first night Harper?"

"It was…" I let my voice trail off as I scanned my mind for the appropriate adjective. "Nice."

It was a simple answer, though it was far from the truth. However, I knew if I told Charlotte about my insane night of running down hallways in my underwear, she would give me that look. It was a look she had perfected over the years, and it was a mix of disappointment and disbelief. A look that made me feel like I had let her down. She actually wasn't as uptight as she used to be, Noah was probably the reason she has started to loosen up over the past year, but at times I still felt the urge to edit what I tell her.

"Just nice?"

I took another bite of salad, stalling for time. "Eventful?"

Noah and Charlotte exchanged a glance, and he started laughing. It occurred to me then that there was a good chance Carter had opened his big mouth about seeing me last night.

"What exactly does eventful mean?" She asked, tucking a strand of her hair behind her ear.

"I… kind of did that freshmen run thing," I admitted, biting my lip. I waited for a look of relief to come over her, that I had finally told her, but instead, it was a look of horror.

"You did that? Harper, it's such an awful tradition. I can't believe you took part of that," she told me, giving me the look. Noah reached over and squeezed her shoulder, either trying to calm her down or telling her to calm down, I wasn't sure which.

I glanced over her shoulder, avoiding her eyes. "You didn't know? Carter didn't tell you?"

"How would Carter know about it?"

"I kind of ran into him in the hall after it was over. I can't believe he didn't tell you," I told her. I can't believe he didn't take that opportunity to blab to Charlotte about it, most likely exaggerating how awful I looked. Was it possible that Carter actually did a favor for me?

I looked back at her and saw her shaking her head. "No, he didn't mention anything about it." She pulled out her cell phone and I knew she was going to send him something about it.

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