Air Thief

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There are certain things they should warn you about before you go to college. For instance, all you hear about is the freedom you will have when you are out of your parent's house. What they don't tell you is that while you have freedom, you most certainly will not have privacy.

I was slowly adjusting to having a roommate, even though it seemed hard to believe I would ever get used to the fact that her alarm clock would wake me up an hour before I had to be up, every morning. But I was growing accustomed to the other aspects, such as her bed only being 7 feet away from mine, and that we were practically living on top of each other. I didn't even mind that she didn't seem to know any boundaries when it came to borrowing my things, and I have even managed to block our her snoring by pretending it was a sound machine. And even though it might sound like I was complaining about her, I don't think I could've been paired with a better person than her.

However, while you go to college knowing you will lose privacy in the dorm room, you don't think about how you also lose it in the bathroom. No matter what time of the day you go to take your shower, there is at least two other girls in there. And even though you are in your own shower stall, there is still a slightly awkward feeling to it. Not to mention, I love to sing in the shower, and that's kind of hard to do when you're never alone. If it sounds like I'm complaining here, well, I am.

In addition to never being alone, another thing I didn't expect was how intense the classes were, right away. It might have been the fact I was never a very serious student before, but I gasped looking at each syllabus I received. I was only taking basic classes, since I still haven't figured out just yet what I wanted to major in, which my parents weren't too happy about. But I figured it was a better idea to wait until I was sure, rather than changing my major a hundred times.

That is how I found myself at the library on a Friday night studying, after my first week of classes. At least I wasn't alone, Charlotte and Carter decided to join me, though I was beginning to think it was a bad idea to have them here. Well, at least one of them.

I looked up at Carter, then back down to his hand, which was tapping his pen loudly against the table and he read over the paper in front of him. I closed my eyes, exhaling yoga style, but that was all futile when I opened my eyes and he was still going at it.

"Carter, do you have to do that? I can't concentrate," I snapped at him, as loudly as I could in a whisper voice.

He looked up from the paper and I swear he started tapping it harder. "It's not that big of a deal."

"The noise is distracting. I've been reading the same sentence over and over," I told him.

"That has nothing to do with me, you probably don't understand it," he said, giving me that smirk of his.

I reached across the table quickly, trying to grab the pen out of his hand. Unfortunately, he had cat like reflexes, and pulled his hand away before I could get to it, causing my hand to slap against the table.

"Jeeze, Harper, if you wanted to hold my hand, you could've just asked."

"I was not trying to hold your hand!" I told him, my voice rising.

Charlotte slammed her book shut, causing both of us to look over at her. "Enough, seriously. I can't concentrate when you guys are at each other's throats."

She put the cap back on her highlighter and started gathering up her things, tossing them into her book bag. I reached over to grab her arm, feeling guilty for ruining her time studying.

"I'm sorry, don't go," I told her.

Carter held up his pinkie finger. "We'll behave, I promise."

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