Back To Sub-Nine

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A/N This is a part 2 to "the Deucalion Reopens" also sort of a request from Charlie_Firewood.


Finally, she could go back to WunSoc and resume studies of the Wundrous arts. She'd been longing for this since the Deucalion closed about a month ago. She got up, grabbed her clothes for the day, put them on, and got to unit 919s private Wunderground station, just like she always did. As usual (at least before the hotel became depressed) she was the first one there.

Hawthorne was next, followed by Francis Lam, Arch, Thaddea, Mahir, Anah, and Cadence. Soon, Miss Cheery came up with the Hometrain. As normal, they got in, and started talking, the conversation was mostly focused on Morrigan and why she wasn't at WunSoc for the past month.

She had to explain that she was a.( in a little deal with squall, and b.( was still exhausted after curing Hollowpox. Everyone, even miss cheery, gasped at the mention of squall, aside from Hawthorne, of course because he already knew about him.  "oh my, Morrigan, is this true? The only other wundersmith, still alive!?" Miss cheery exclaimed. Morrigan just nodded solemnly, her entire unit was looking at her, she could feel their icy glares even though she wasn't looking at them.

Hawthorne was the first to speak up. "Morrigan, if none of them believe you, I will, I saw him as well after the Fright Trial, once we climbed out of the manhole, remember?" "Yeah, I do." Morrigan said. All of her friends blew up at her, saying how they couldn't believe that she hadn't told them sooner and what happened to being a unit, yada yada.

But miss cheery was having none of it, she suddenly blew up herself saying "You guys need to learn that just because Morrigan didn't say something, it doesn't mean that she meant to hurt anyone, she probably forgot to tell you guys, or it was too much to handle and couldn't bring herself to tell you guys. Now be more kind and respectful to her or you all will be taking the brolly rail home, ok?" "Yes miss cheery." Her unit replied in somewhat unison, Mahir muttering something, probably a rude word, in a foreign language none of them knew.


Hometrain pulled into the WunSoc station, coming to a stuttering halt. Unit 919 got off, said their goodbyes for the day, and headed to class. Morrigan rushed straight down to sub nine, she really wanted, no, needed to see Connall and Sofia to tell them what happened over the last month.

Once she got into the nearest railpod, she hit the lever that said sub nine academic group. Then the pod started making a winding path down to sub nine.

Once it got to sub nine, she ran through the hallway that said study hall and opened the door, greeted enthusiastically by Connall and Sofia. "Morrigan! Welcome back! We missed you!" Sofia shouted happily. Her fox tail swaying back and forth erratically.

"I missed you guys too! Sorry I haven't been around down here or at wunsoc at all, some stuff happened over the last month, so get cozy, I'm gonna tell you all about it." Morrigan said, somewhat sheepishly.

"Ooh! I get the snacks!" Connall said excitedly. "C'mon Connall, cut it out, we aren't  getting snacks." The foxwun argued. "Ooh fine" he harumphed.

Morrigan proceeded to tell them all about what happened while she was away, about squall, about how he helped her cure hollowpox and he was the reason Sofia wasn't hollow, so on so forth, but when she got back to the part about the elders and holliday wu being the reason why The Deucalion was closed and subsequently the reason why she hadn't been at WunSoc, sofia was mad. Really mad. She reacted similar to how Jupiter had.


She had another lesson with Elodie, another class in weaving. this was her normal, if you told her when she was 11 and still living in the republic that this was normal of all things, she wouldn't have believed you, yet here she was, weaving the sole power source of the Wintersea Republic into flowers, chairs, and more.

Slowly, Elodie's voice started to cut, stutter and skip like an old, dysfunctional radio you could find in thrift shops. the world around her faded and slowly melted away, then just like that, she was back in the dark cavernous halls of sub nine. "having fun?" a familiar voice asked. she recognized the voice instantly, she knew that voice from anywhere, she knew it was Squall, ready to torment her again. "wh- how did you get here!?" she demanded, not having a clue why he wanted anything to do with her again, but then it hit her like a brick to the face 'he wants me to learn from him, I agreed to it, well, no going back now I guess' she took a deep breath before responding.

 "Ezra, are you here for me to learn from you again? or are you here to torture me with the mind games? " she asked, "you little pompous jerk" she added under her breath. "ah, close, but not exactly, I came here, Miss Crow, to check in on you, make sure the Society is treating you right." he said softly. Morrigan scoffed, "as if you want to 'check in on me' all you've ever done with me is play stupid mind games! I'm leaving." she spun on one heel and ran, no, sprinted to the nearest railpod, hitting the lever to sub 1 before Ezra could stop her, or try and reason with her.


She ran to her door after getting off Hometrain and saying goodbye to her friends, she had to tell Jupiter about what happened, or at the very least Fenestra or Jack. she walked out of her room to the lobby of the hotel, the big black bird chandelier hanging from the ceiling and giving a subtle dark purple tint to everything. 

Much to Morrigan's surprise and delight, Jupiter was walking in the hotel door, he looked extremely happy, like he had just done or accomplished something big. "Mog! hello! looks like we both got back at just the right time, huh?" "yeah! you look very happy. what happened?" Morrigan responded. "come to the smoking parlor, I'll tell you there, we'll tell each other about our days." he replied.

 The pair rushed up the stairs to the parlor, it was rolling out sage smoke "to promote the art of phyilosophization" the board said. "ok, so tell me why you look like you're about to burst with joy." Morrigan begged, she really couldn't handle the suspense anymore. "WE FOUND CASSIEL!!" Jupiter blurted a touch too loudly than she would've liked, but nonetheless, she was ecstatic, they had been looking for him for a year, but now the League of Explorers had found him! 

After her patron calmed down from his moment of pure happiness, he asked he the same question she asked him. "how was your day mog?" "uh- I visited a ghostly hour that Elodie was teaching, I learned more about how to weave, now I can make small items like teacups!" explained happily.

 "that's great! anything else?" her patron pushed, wanting to know a bit more about her first day back at wunsoc after a full month of not being there. "Um- I had a small run-in with Ezra. It didn't end too horribly though, I ended up running out of there before he could mess with my head. that's the reason why I wanted to chat as soon as possible, so that you knew and I didnt have a weight on my chest" Morrigan explained in a big rush.

"Well I'm glad you told me mog, good on you." Jupiter said. "thanks, Jupiter, my only other options were either Jack or Fen, if you weren't home by then, i would've chosen Jack over Fen. " she replied, a small giggle in her voice.

Quietly, Martha's voice floated up the stairs, she was calling them for dinner, they reluctantly got up and headed downstairs. hungry after their long days.


word count: 1360

Whooo new record! hope you enjoyed this stupid long chapter.

have a good one!

idk out

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