another nevermoor dream

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Ok, so I don't remember the beginning of this dream but I do remember the middle, so me, my mom, my dad, my sister, and our 2 friends were driving to mevermoor (for some reason, and in the dream, there was no border control)

Ok, but anyways, I essentially went through the trials at that point and had done pretty much what morrigan had done, but minus the child neglect. So we were in the car and I started mentioning nevermoor and my family wanted to know more abt it, so I told them abt squall, how I was a wundersmith, about my unit, which stayed the same, Jupiter, jack, and the hotel staff including fenstra.

I also told them that their room would change shape and size and colors and whatever, but the hallways and stuff usually stayed the same.

I told them how my patron was a witness, and how jack was too, and how they could see how you felt, and if you had bad dreams or were lying or whatever, and they immediately tensed up and I had to quickly explain that he was... an interesting character to behold and that he wasnt dangerous. Then we got the Deucalion where Jupiter, jack, and Hawthorne sat waiting.

I jumped out of the car and ran to them, really happy to see them again, and then I introduced them to my family and I made sure to remind Jupiter to tell frank and Fen not to eat them.  They welcomed my patron with open arms, same with jack and Hawthorne, who was hyper, which, you never want a hyper Hawthorne.

Once my friends, whom I will call A and K, saw him, they asked if I crushed on him, which, no, I don't. Also, squall decided that right then and there was a good time to show up, which I got all defensive bc, this is my family and friends.

And then I woke up, it was just getting good and I hated that I woke up in the middle of it, I wanted to finish it

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