ok, great news, and part 2 to last chapter

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Ok, good news first, I'm on a trip to Ocean city New Jersey! I'll be gone till Sunday and I'm writing this on my phone on the way there,
Idk out

Ok, part 2, let's go.


So squall showed up, and my parents asked "who is he?" I responded with "that's that Ezra squall guy I was talking about in the car, you guys run off, you too, Jupiter, jack, and Hawthorne, I'll handle this."

"Ah, so, you have family outside of nevermoor as well, how charming. Well, I guess it'd be your instinct to protect them, but remember what I told you, young wundersmith." Squall said, his voice soft and harsh at the same time. "Not matter what I do, without you, I'll die with no one left to remember me" we said at the same time, but he replaced the "I" and "I'll" with "me" and "you'll" so the sentence referred to me.

"OK, COME HERE YOU LITTLE PIECE OF SHI-!!" Jack yelled as he tried to get to me. "Jack, please, you're a witness, me and him are wundersmith's, calm down and get my family and friends inside and settled, try and keep the guests calm as well. I'll handle this."

"Idk, (I'm using this as my nickname, deal with it) please, don't do this, just come in and we can handle him later" Jupiter pleaded. "Jupiter, you don't get it, he is physically here, in nevermoor. He's not using the gossamer line, you guys need to leave. Now."

Everyone then ran off and tried to get in the hotel, and at the last second I made a wunder lock to keep them in and safe. I couldn't risk having my family be hurt by the most powerful being nevermoor has ever seen.


So I had weakened squall enough to where he wouldn't come back for a long while, I went in, and cleared the wunder lock. And everyone, heck, even Fen, was celebrating that I had actually hurt, and sent squall away.

The end
Word count: 341

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