Who Is Most Likely To Get Stuck At The Brolly Station

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I'm getting inspiration from a story made by
unforgettwble0 and it'll be split up into adults and kids. Anyways, idk out!

Mog- Hawthorne
Hawthorne- Mog
Francis- Hawthorne
Thaddea- Hawthorne
Jack- Mog
Anah- Hawthorne
Lam: Hawthorne
Arch: Morrigan
That's all the kids I could think of, on to the adults!
Jupiter- me
Chanda- jove
Frank- Jupiter
Kedigree- Jupiter
Martha- Jupiter
Squall- Jupiter
Henry- Jupiter
That's all I could come up with, lol
I'll see you in the next one, bye!

Word count: 79 words

To clear something up real quick, I mean stuck while on the rail, like they didn't unhook at the right time and therefore go to the next station, possibly a much longer amount of time than expected to hold on to an umbrella, lol

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