The Deucalion Reopens

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A/N this takes place after hollowpox, I have not read silerborn because it isn't out yet. You have been sufficiently warned, read your own risk!!

It had been nearly a whole month since Hotel Deucalion had been closed, yet Morrigan still had hope. She still had hope that one day soon, the hotel would reopen and get out of its depressed state.

So far it had gotten dressed for parties that never happened, became a giant pillow fort, became a winter wunderland and closed off the 13th and 14th floors just because the hotel was closed during the hollowpox outbreak.

Then just as 1 full month was rolling around since the hotel closed, Jupiter, with much hesitation, reopened the hotel, keeping good track of every Wunimal to step inside those big black oak doors.

Once that happened, the lights worked again, Morrigan's door to unit 919s private Wunderground station opened, and her room started behaving like it did before the hotel started acting up.

Everyone, including grumpy old Fen, started cheering and Morrigan threw a mini party in her room to celebrate with all her friends, Jack, Hawthorne, Cadence, Arch, Anah, Lam, and Thaddea.

Though she had to make sure not to tell Frank, otherwise he would make a huge deal about it and invite Lizimania, his go-to band for any situation, they consisted of 4 normal people and an Iguanawun Major, the Iguanawun was the one who played the upright bass.

She only was able to make sense of that after learning a bit more about Wunimals in her Arcane Arts classes.
She -like Hawthorne, Cadence, and Thaddea- was a "whitesleeve", scholars like them practiced the arcane arts, although Morrigan also was learning some of the wundrous arts, with that she could manipulate fire, move objects, and create and destroy things with wunder.

Once her mini party started up, they took turns running to the now working smoking parlor (pumping out green and orange waves of orange and sage, to ease the celebration delight) to steal a little candy and food from Frank's bowl that he put put for kids to grab, because he assumed -correctly of course- that there would be kids there, dragged forcefully by their parents just to get a room now that they could stay at the deucalion. Morrigan's room seemed to get the hint that they wanted sweets and made a candy bowl pop up right in the middle of the room, filled, somehow, with a bunch of cookies all in the flavor profiles they loved

Morrigan also noticed that her octopus chair seemed much more, lively, now it started to grab anyone too close to it, probably because it wanted to be occupied for a bit. To be honest, she didn't blame the chair one bit, though she did make sure to show her unit her stuffed rabbit the Jupiter retrieved for her, Emmet.

Jack examined the rabbit for a moment and told her the same thing Jupiter had, "I can see little and big gray smudges all over this thing, you seem to have, and it seems that you still do, love it to pieces." Everyone in the room started asking her about it, and she quickly got overwhelmed so to put a speedy stop to it, she asked politely but loudly, "one at a time please." And they all shut their mouths.

"Ok, sorry about that, let's just go one at a time, jack, how about you start us off?" Morrigan asked. "Ok, my question is, when did you get him? Hawthorne I know you have the same question so you may not ask as well." Jack questioned. "Ok, I got Emmet when I was a newborn, I only learned recently that Emmet is well over 20 years old, because my mother used to own him, the way I found that out was in this room shortly after my stay at the WunSoc teaching hospital. Next?" She asked.

Thaddea was next to speak. "Where do you think your mother got him? He definitely doesn't seem like something the Free State would make, just looks at the stitching! He has a double loop stitch, the Free State uses a cross stitch." (A/n no clue if a double loop stitch is a real thing, lol) "Ok, Thaddea, thank you for that, and to answer your question, simply put, no, I didn't know where my mother got him, I was a newborn, I'll have to ask Jupiter later."

Then Jupiter called from the hall "Hey! Has anyone seen Frank's bowl of sweets? He says he needs them!" Unit 919 giggled together, they knew exactly who it was that stole the sugary candies, it was them. So far the reopening of the Hotel Deucalion was going great. Soon they left Morrigan's room to go have a late dinner, the stoves were still warming up after the outage apparently, so the cooks had to work overtime to get the food to the table on time.

The dinner was a whopping 3 course meal, lamb and steak for the first course, a large salad for the second, and a large, wobbly green Gello structure for the third. To Morriga, it looked similar to the one at the wundrous welcome that was 2 and a half years ago.

Then Hawthorne piped up "hey, Cadence! You know what this looks like? That gelatin sculpture you made me pour on Noelle!" Everyone in unit 919 laughed, everyone else was utterly bewildered and confused.

Cadence then recalled when Morrigan and Hawthorne poured the barrel of toads on the elders. Jupiter smiled at her and the rest of the people sat there, again, where bewildered at the mischief the kids of unit 919 had done, and how the elders reacted to it.

Similarly, Arch spoke up about when Cadence had her patron, the odious Baz Charlton say "Bazzy want potty" in front of a group of important politicians.


By now the Deucalion was happy and made everything go back to normal, as normal as a hotel with ever changing rooms and hallways can be. Much to Dame Chanda's delight, the music salon was no longer a marshy wetland, it was a large, open room, with a big, wood stage at the opposite end again. Morrigan saw that The Shadow Hall returned to normal, at least now, she realized, that she could practice Nocturne in there, it seemed perfect in her eyes. She was almost certain that Sofia and Conall were happy too, because that meant she could now practice inferno, veil, and weaving.

As the day that she would finally return to WunSoc Drew closer, Morrigan became more and more excited to go back down to Sub-Nine show Sofia what she could do now.

Oh my goodness this was long.

Final word count: 1143

Have a good one everybody!
Warmly, idk

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