Chapter 26

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Harry's P.O.V.

After Mia rushed out of there, leaving me alone, I heard a noise coming from the other room of the hotel suite. I quickly sprang into action as I gripped a lamp that had been hooked up to the bedside table, unplugging it and rushing to the door. I carefully scanned the room-no one. I heard the sound again, coming from what sounded like the hotel kitchen. Once again I slide up against the wall, sliding myself into the other room-the kitchen.

"Whhhere thhhe dddamn fooood." I heard someone drawl out.

"Who's there?" I mentally cursed myself after I yelled that.

"Hazzzza...?" The stranger seemed to know my nickname. It could be some creepy fan that so happens to have the key to my hotel room.

I decided it was time to investigate who was in my hotel room. I gripped the lamp even more in my now sweaty palms, as I leaped onto the kitchen tile-my eyes fixed closed, as I knocked whoever this stranger was with the lamp I had positioned tightly in my fingers.

"Ouch." The stranger shot, venom clear in his aggravated voice.

"Niall?" I questioned, not daring to open my eyes to see who it actually was.

"Y-yeah..." He trailed off.

I cursed under my breath for doing what I had just done.

"Damn it Niall!" I yelled, causing him to wince in pain from the loudness of my voice. "Are you hung-over?" I asked, laughing when he nodded slowly.

"Where's Mia?" He immediately asked, turning to scan the room around him.

My eyes went enormously wide, as I remember she went to go search for him.

"Harry?" Niall snapped. "Where. Is. Mia?" He said once again.

"Well..." I started. "She went searching for you, but now you're here!" I explained.

He sighed.

"I mean come on; it's not your fault. You can never keep track of women." I chuckled, hoping to earn one out of him, but to no avail.

"I'm going to bed." Niall slowly left the kitchen, grabbing his phone on the way out and headed towards the bedroom.

I quickly rushed out the hotel room and down the spiral stair case until I landed upon the lobby.

"Paul!" I called; he and his wife were having dinner at the hotel restaurant.

I heard him sigh from a distance. "Yes?"

"Mia went out looking for Niall and hasn't returned." I explained.

He quickly stood, hurried down the corridors and out the front door of the hotel. I followed pursuit. I watched as Paul got in the limo, he first rolled down the window.

"Where is she?" He asked.

"I don't know, check the pub."

He slowly nodded before speeding off into the distance.

Mia's P.O.V.

It never seemed to warm up. But I didn't care-all I cared about was finding him. The last place I looked before I almost froze to death, was a Wal-Mart across the street from where I stood. There might be NO point in going there, but I did it anyways-just hoping he was there.

Rushing into to Wal-Mart at the speed of light, searching up and down the aisles. Anticipating just to see his smiling face, but to no avail. If anyone saw me they would have thought I was mental. I had even asked a clerk who worked here if she had seen him-she hadn't. No one had seemed to know who or where he was, except that bartender. He knows-or at least knew.

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