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UGHHHHHH. No. Just NO (again, cue the grumpy cat memes). The movie, is an absolute CATASTROPHE. It's even worse than the LOTR and The Hobbit movies. In my rant about LOTR movies, I called Peter Jackson a retarded jellyfish, and in my opinion, M. Night Shyamalan makes Peter Jackson look like fucking Einstein, or Alfred Nobel or something. Hmmm.... So that makes M. Night Shyamalan dumber than a shitting turkey (I looked it up on the internet, turkeys are the dumbest animals on earth) with three-quarters of its fucking neurons missing. What makes this movie SOOO bad? Okay, first of all, they ruined the TV show, which is a stroke of PURE GENIUS. The movie portrays the characters ALL WRONG. The plot is set in a fantasy universe, where there are four nations and people with elemental magic, called 'bending'. This world is based on Asian cultures like Japan and China. This is where M. Night Shyamalan fails most terribly: He has western kids playing the characters. I'm not being racist, but... don't you think that's a tad inaccurate? Even if they use western actors, at least get some that slightly resemble the characters. In the movie, Katara and Sokka and the water tribe people are pale as hell, and fire nation people have FUCKING TANS. Please, redo the movie and get some better actors, or if you're that lazy, M. Night Shyamalan, at least swap those. Secondly, it's not just the appearance of the characters. It's the personalities. Those are wrong, too! I bet M. Night Shyamalan didn't watch Avatar: The Last Airbender before making the movie. For example in the REAL version, the show, Katara ISN'T a whiny bitch, Sokka's not THAT annoying, Aang actually has a sense of humor and is less irritating, Ozai should be eviler, Zuko isn't THAT dumb, and Azula isn't this 'happy-go-lucky' bitchy chick. Katara isn't whiny, she's supposed to be caring and motherly. Sokka is supposed to be the life of the party. Aang isn't a teenage guru without the ability to laugh. Ozai is THE EVIL FIRE LORD, not the creepy old man. Azula is the evil, sadistic genius. The movie is ALL WRONG. That's not all; the special effects are A DISASTER. It's obviously a very bad combination of green-screen and photoshop, done very lazily. I think MY CLASSMATES could have photoshopped better. The bending looks entirely FAKE! When Aang uses his glider, I bet you can see FUCKING WIRES holding him up! Not to mention Appa; in the movie, he's probably just the actors air-sitting or sitting on a bench/couch, which they photoshopped into a flying bison- WHICH LOOKS LIKE A FUCKING GIANT PIECE OF LAZY PHOTOSHOP. And the avatar state and the spirit world: WHAT THE HELL????????? LAZY PHOTOSHOP!!! AANG'S GLOWING ARROW IS OBVIOUSLY GLOW-IN-THE-DARK FACE PAINT OR PHOTOSHOP!. Last but not least, the COSTUMES. Wow. Even the drama department at my school makes better costumes. The fire nation uniforms, particularly Zuko's and Azula's, look like they're made of cardboard and cheap plastic fabrics that imitate silk, like nylon and rayon. In other words, they look like LAZY COSPLAYS. That's not the only clothing they ruined, too. The water tribe clothes AREN'T BLUE. WOW! Blue is like the national color of the water tribe! Since when did that become brown and gray? Besides, the fur on their clothing isn't gray, it's white. THEY WEAR WHITE AND BLUE CLOTHES. Get that into your tiny amoeba-sized brain, M. Night Shyamalan! Ugh. That movie is a FAILURE. I bet it's disappointed billions of children. GO GET A LIFE, M. NIGHT SHYAMALAN AND STOP TRAUMATIZING KIDS AND MAKING THEM FUCKING CRY!!

I like saying "No", it lowers their enthusiasm (FANFICTION RANT)Where stories live. Discover now