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Songfics. Oh God. FUCKING KILL IT WITH FIRE!!! I fucking hate those. We all know the author's just this annoying goddamn bitch who can't write an fanfiction to save her fucking useless life, so she's using a song to clog up the word count, s it'll seem like she's so "artistic" and "talented".... BUT DID YOU KNOW... I once did volunteer community service at this institution for the mentally retarded children, and their "polite" term for a child with autism is "artistic". There was this five-year-old girl who had autism, and she liked to draw, but she was LIKE A BILLION MILES AWAY FROM ANY LOGICAL HUMAN FORM OF ARTISTIC. She liked to draw purple and green scribbles. Occasionally she drew brown and yellow blobs. Ain't artistic, unless it's modern art. (MODERN ART IN A NUTSHELL: THIS GIRL'S SCRIBBLINGS. LOL.) So, as I was saying, KILL SONGFICS WITH FIRE. They are almost as bad as OC fanfics, and everyone knows the intelligent thing to do when you are face-to-face with a vicious, snarling OC fic (picture a mangy, zombified lion/lioness) is to pour nitric acid on it. When faced with a snarling, drooling, evil songfic (picture a hippo crossed with a T-Rex), however... YOU KNOW WHAT TO DO, CHANT THE RITUAL WORDS FOR EXORCISM IN LATIN THEN RAIN HOLY FIRE ON THE EVIL BEAST. Now, if the author has written a fanfic INSPIRED by a song, and wrote it well, it's okay, UNLESS THE WRITER PUTS LIKE THE ENTIRE SONG IN THERE. Sheesh! Just quote a few lines, or put a few references to it (BUT DON'T MAKE THE CHARACTERS' DIALOGUE SONG LYRICS, IT'S REALLY AWKWARD AND STRANGE BECAUSE SONG LYRICS ARE OFTEN POETIC AND NOBODY TALKS LIKE THAT IN REAL LIFE. IT'S ALSO SUPER CHEESY AND LAME.)

I like saying "No", it lowers their enthusiasm (FANFICTION RANT)Where stories live. Discover now