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In the morning Lottie woke up to a text from Spencer telling her that Alison's blood had been found on Toby's sweater

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In the morning Lottie woke up to a text from Spencer telling her that Alison's blood had been found on Toby's sweater. She questioned what A had against Toby, why go this far to make it look like he killed Ali. Maybe Alison was A after all.

Outside the coffee shop she held onto her herbal tea, she had chosen it over coffee, hoping it would help calm her down. She waited for Hanna with Spencer and Emily.

"Hi. i'm plannin' a surprise visit for my husband, and he cannot stop talkin' about the room he had on his last visit, can you pull up that reservation? His name is Ian Thomas." Spencer spoke in a southern accent. 

"Why are you doing this?" Emily asked.
Spencer put her hand over the phone, "I think Ian and Alison were together the weekend before she disappeared. Do you remember how Alison was acting when she got home from visiting her grandmother, all giggles and tan?".

"Yeah" Lottie shrugged.
"Ali hated old people and her grandmother lives in Georgia. Hilton Head is in South Carolina. She was lying to us".
"So what? She lied more than she breathed. You think that was enough to make Ian to want to shut her forever?" Lottie said.
"Wow" Spencer said taken back, "Thought you'd be happy to hear it was anybody but Toby".
"Oh so you're on his side now?" Lottie laughed, " you're giving me whiplash with these theories".

"He lied about  things too, Lottie, you can't just be ignored " Spencer said.
"If lying was a crime we would all be in jail" Lottie replied.

"Agent Cooper good Moring" Emily smiled, Spencer and Lottie waved as Agent Cooper left the coffee shop. Hanna had arrived and sat down beside Lottie, Hanna smiled at Lottie.

"The food in this town is to die for, I'm missing it already" Agent Cooper said.
"Are you going somewhere?" Hanna asked.
"Came here to find the person who killed your friend. Toby Cavanaugh may be out on bail, but he's not leaving town, and we have a solid case against him.  So unless you have a reason for me to stay".


"Agent Cooper is not some small-town cop that's going to arrest Spencer's brother-in-law because Ali carved his name into a tree" Hanna said. When they had gotten to school they told Aria about Ian and how he was at Hilton Head the same time as Ali.

Lottie walked a few steps behind holding her head where at was starting to ache.
One side effect of the sleeping pills she had forgotten about was the headaches she got.

She followed her friends to a table, catching up with them, "A tree that isn't even there anymore" Lottie said grimly.
"No one knows but us," Emily whispered.
"And Ian," Spencer said.
"And A" Hanna added.

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