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Hanna will be okay

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Hanna will be okay. Hanna will be okay. Hanna will-

Lottie was pulled back to the present, she looked out the car window seeing they had reached the hospital. She knew the journey wasn't long, it didn't take long to get to anywhere in the small town of rosewood. She was thankful her dad drove her to the hospital because she didn't trust herself to drive, "I should go in" she muttered.

"You think it might be about time you saw someone?" Owen asked suddenly. Lottie kept her eyes down and frowned. He cleared his throat, uncomfortable speaking about her feeling. "You've been through a lot and Sallie and your mom think-".

She shook her head, "no". Jumping from the car and peeping her head back in. "I'll call you or Sallie later about getting a lift back". She shut the door before her dad could say anything else and ran towards the ward where the others were waiting.

Hanna will be okay. Hanna will be okay. Hanna will be okay.

She repeated with every step, Hanna would be fine, she had to be. She couldn't think of Toby, she couldn't think of how A knew about Toby, she couldn't think about how everything in her life was going wrong, she had to think about Hanna.

Lottie was happy to see the others in the waiting room, Emily hugged her as soon as she saw her. "Any news?" Lottie asked pulling away.  Hanna's mom Ashley came toward the group followed by Lucas.  Everyone question her about Hanna.

"She is going to be all right, she has a broken leg and a broken ankle, bruised ribs, and they might have to remove her spleen" Mrs Marin explained, Lottie breathed a sigh of relief. "What's happened?" Mrs Marin asked.

Lottie looked to the others, wondering the same thing.

"Hanna was coming across the parking lot and the car just came out of nowhere" Aria explained.
Mrs Martin nodded, "The police found the car, they said it was stolen from a campground lot" she explained.

"Did they know who did it?" Lottie asked for everyone, hoping that A was caught.
"No not yet" Mrs Martin told them.
"Well, the cops should be looking for Toby Cavanaugh" Spencer said, Lottie shot her an annoyed look.

"It wasn't him"  she said hasty, then cleared her throat, "I saw the police taking him away when I went to talk with my dad". She looked again at Spencer, she was the person she told when she was leaving to meet him. Spencer wouldn't meet her eyes, which confirmed what Lottie thought.

Mrs Martin cleared her throat, "you girls should go home. I will call you when Hanna can have visitors" she told them. Once she left the group, Lottie pushed all her attention over to Spencer. She felt like a parrot, repeating herself again and again.

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