. 22 .

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Guys I'm sorry for this chapter 

"Sorry we didn't manage to get the robot, Emu kun. I can make you another one if you'd like?" Rui offered, as he and Emu were climbing back up the stairwell to the roof. Emu shook her head, "it's okay. It's not like I need a candy robot or anything. I just thought it might be fun." The two reached the top of the stairwell. Rui opened the door, but stopped when he saw something...unusual? Rui squinted his eyes and realized what he was seeing. "Emu kun, just wait." Emu looked through the door as well.

"Is that...Nene chan and Tsukasa kun? Are they...hugging?" Emu asked. Nene and Tsukasa fell over. "Oh no! They fell..and now they are...?" Emu moved Rui over to get a better look. "Kissing..?" They both said in unison. Rui closed the door. "Maybe we should let them be alone." Emu nodded, frowning.

Rui and Emu sat at the bottom of the stairwell, waiting for lunch to end. "I guess this means Nene chan and Tsukasa kun like each other," Emu said. "I guess that's why she was always over at his house. It makes sense now," Rui sighed.

But it didn't make sense. What about during vacation when they danced together? Or last night when Tsukasa held on to him? Did it mean nothing? Well it must have because Tsukasa likes Nene. Tsukasa really led him on.

"I thought Nene chan liked me," Emu said, tears welling in her eyes. "She— she gave be a Goodnight kiss...was she just being friendly? Did she not even care...? Was she just pretending?" Emu asked, fully crying now.

"Emu kun...don't cry. We should be happy that Tsukasa kun and Nene are getting together. That means they're happy, right?" Rui said, trying to comfort Emu. "I know...it still really hurts though," said Emu. "I know. It's painful for me, too," Rui said.

"Rui kun..." Emu said, looking at him, "do you like Tsukasa kun?" He was surprised Emu hadn't already caught on. Rui nodded, "It'll be okay though, right? If they are happy together then I guess it's for the best." Emu wiped away her tears, "yeah...okay."


Rui was on his way home, still upset about what he saw on the roof. "Hey, Ruiiii!!!" Called a yell from behind him. Rui turned around to see Tsukasa, catching up with him. "Oh...hi Tsukasa kun," said Rui, he really didn't want to talk right now, especially to him. "Is there something wrong? Is it because the teacher caught you and Emu?" Tsukasa questioned. Rui shook his head.

Was Tsukasa not even planning on telling Rui about Nene? Was he planning on lying to him? "Then why—" Rui cut Tsukasa off, "I'm going to go now..." Rui turned his back to Tsukasa. "Rui!!! Can't I walk with you?" Tsukasa yelled. Rui pretended not to hear him. Was Tsukasa just going to pretend like nothing happened between him and Nene? Was he just going to lie to everyone? This...this is why he didn't want to have to deal with complicated feelings like these.


They were at show practice and just as Rui suspected, Tsukasa nor Nene said a word about what happened on the roof. Emu was also further from Nene than usual, he didn't blame her. Emu was probably facing feelings similar to Rui's.

Rui was still a bit angry over the fact that apparently all the moments he shared with Tsukasa meant nothing, and that Tsukasa wanted to lie about his relationship with Nene. Show practice continued as usual, but Rui and Emu were definitely a lot less enthusiastic, which Tsukasa and Nene picked up on.

"Okay, okay I've had it!" Tsukasa said suddenly, the other three looked at him in surprise. "There's something up, I can tell! Why is nobody letting me know what it is? Stop keeping me in the dark!" He yelled. "It's you trying to keep us in the dark," spat Rui. Tsukasa looked at him, startled. As if he didn't know exactly what Rui was talking about.

"Rui, what? What are you—" Rui was tired, he might forgive Tsukasa eventually, but he wasn't in the mood for speaking to him right now. He was still confused about Tsukasa's decisions. "I think I'm going to leave now," Rui said, turning around, "I-I need a break."

Tsukasa was about to say something and then stopped. When would he forgive Tsukasa? When Tsukasa told him the truth? Was he just extra angry because he liked Tsukasa? That thought brought back the pain of heart break. Heart break and lies.


Rui was unable to sleep that night. Not too much of a surprise. Maybe Nene and Tsukasa weren't lying and they just weren't ready to tell them. Maybe he was overthinking it. But it won't change the fact Tsukasa is in love with someone else.



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