Chapter Thirteen

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That week was our last together until after Christmas break. We normally had two weeks off but Robert was leaving school a week early for an extended ski trip his family was taking to different parts of Europe.

"So, about Christmas. Am I allowed to get you a phone?"

"No." Wow. I was super quick to say that. Sophie shook her head in amusement from the sofa next to us.

He lowered the book he was reading to his lap. "Why not? Say I went out and got you jewelry. The price to cover a phone plan wouldn't be any different."

"Cheaper, actually," Sophie chimed in, though her eyes never left her phone.

"Look, I haven't received much in my lifetime, but what I do have, I have because I've earned it."

"I won't have any scruples over you earning it."

Sophie burst into a fit of laughter. I had to really twist in the armchair we shared just to see that perfect poker face. Someone's been studying up on his SAT words.

"You know, it amazes me how you can say that with a straight face." He licked his lips and a small smile began to slowly form. "Besides, I think the tab you've already started is long enough."

Our lips were mere inches apart and I was really tempted to eliminate every single centimeter.

"I'd be willing to pardon it all if you'd let me get you a phone."

"Take the deal, Jenna," Sophie said, and I turned back to see her still clicking away on her keypad. "Just think of all the late night calls, texts and dirty pictures you're missing out on."

Robert murmured his agreement in my ear. Luckily I was spared the details of any dirty pictures Sophie had been involved in when Jhett crash landed in the sofa next to her. He gave her a quick peck on the lips and they became immersed in a hushed conversation.

Quietly, I turned and added, "And you can't cover a phone plan for less than fifty bucks anyways."

"Yeah, let's talk about this ridiculous limit you've set for us."

"I'm standing by it. I don't need anything."

"Neither of us needs anything, Jenna. That's not the point."

"I don't want you buying me some ridiculously expensive gift when I can't do the same. Is that so horrible to ask?"

He threw his head back on the chair and stubbornly whined, "Fine. I'll go to the store and get you something less than fifty bucks." After rolling his head back and forth a few times, he sat back up, seemingly a little less annoyed with me. He sighed heavily and returned to his novel, but after about two minutes he huffed and waved it at me.

"Don't you have to read this for class too?"

"Yes, but I've read it before."


"I wasn't forced to read it. I chose to read it last summer."

"This," he mocked, "you chose to read for fun?"

"Yep. And now I don't have to squeeze it in before finals, like some other people around here."

"See," Sophie said, "that's why Jenna gets the scholarships. She's smart enough to think ahead."

"You got a scholarship to college already?" Jhett asked, seemingly impressed. "Which one?"

My eyes widened as I looked up. Sophie froze and I felt Robert tense up behind me.

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