Chapter Six

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I stepped out of the Rutland public library and hoofed it to the nearest bus stop. The library at the academy didn't offer a lot outside the world of research material, so I always went to the public library for pleasure reading. And, yeah, I really meant pleasure reading. Don't ask me why I liked the Harlequin novels, I just did. Weird considering I couldn't read any of the sexual content without blushing and scrunching my face, and I swear I always turned my head in shame. I felt like such a peeping tom throughout the novel, but for some reason, it didn't keep me from reading them. Maybe I'm secretly hoping they'll help me overcome all the sexual anxieties I seemed to have myself.

I tucked the book deep into my bag. I actually had time to start it before the bus came, but no way did I have the courage to read it in public. Not with the scantily dressed woman smothering the nearly naked man all over the front cover.

I kinda dazed out for the ten minute wait, so I didn't realize the whistle was directed at me until I heard my name called out. I turned my attention to the maroon truck in front of the bus stop, and saw a teenage guy with a baseball cap leaning over to speak through the passenger side window. He sorta looked familiar, but I couldn't place him, yet he said my name a second time and waved me over.

"One date and you're already ditching me? How can I pick you up at the academy if you're hanging out in town at some random bus stop?"

Huh. Did I mention this guy I'd never met but knew my name was kinda cute? "How random could it be if you found me without looking?" He pressed his lips and nodded his head a few times. Now that I could get a better look at the face hiding beneath the cap, a name flashed into my head. "Chance, right?"

"Ah, see? I knew we'd been introduced," he joked.

I agreed with him on that, but for some reason or another, I had no freakin' idea who this guy was.

"So, why were you picking me up?"

"Wow. Exactly how hard did I hit your head the other day?" Suddenly it all came rushing back. The soccer ball, the cute guy, the snow cone. But that was a dream, wasn't it? I know it was, 'cause I remembered waking up and being bummed that it was only a dream.

So....was this a dream too?

It was a little weird, but luckily I was good at going with the flow. "Apparently hard enough I don't remember making a date with you."

"Oh, well, truuust me. You did. You also said I was the hottest guy you'd ever seen and that you wanted to pleasure me in ways I never thought possible."

I huffed. "Really?" I challenged disbelievingly. "'Cause that doesn't sound like something I'd say." Certainly not out loud...

"What can I say? You were incredibly high from the pheromones coming off me."

"Probably choking, in fact," I replied, narrowing my eyes at him.

His grin spread so far it should've taken flight, and after we stared each other down for a few seconds, he asked, "So are you comin' or what?"

"What the hell," I decided, and climbed into the Ford truck.

He laughed and adjusted his cap. "Try to hold back on the enthusiasm. I wouldn't want you to hurt yourself."

He shifted the truck into gear and pulled back into moving traffic. I had my nosy moment and subtly scanned his vehicle. Dusty consoles, tons of coins and gum in the storage compartments and the half cab behind me was stuffed with clothes, shoes, text books, school and gym bags and tons of things that needed to be chunked into the nearest trash bin. Typical teenage boy. I could only imagine the mess he had going on in the bedroom.

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