Chapter Eight

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As I zigzagged my way through the trees, I stopped to lean against the last one before the open field. A group of guys were playing a game of soccer on the far end. It was hard to catch a glimpse of the players rushing back and forth from this distance, but I was pretty sure I spotted Chance. He was actually pretty good at maneuvering the ball in and out of his feet as he tried to push past his opponent. He kicked the ball to a teammate, and a few seconds later he just stopped dead in the field and turned in my direction.

He must have sensed someone watching him 'cause he honed in on me faster than a buxom blonde beauty on a wealthy ninety year old man. When he did, he bailed from the game right when the ball got passed back to him. His teammate yelled his frustration when Chance's opponent swept in and kicked the ball back in the opposite direction.

I can't believe he even saw me. I was nowhere close to the game. I shook my head in disbelief as he jogged towards me.

"Hey," I said before he pecked me on the lips.

"I didn't know you were coming here."

"Neither did I." I had literally popped into this dream a few trees back. If I hadn't known he played soccer, I wouldn't have even paid attention to that game. It was weird that I looked for him period, but after two weeks of him in my dreams, I pretty much expected him to be there when I fell asleep each night.

"You can get back to your game. I'll wait here till you're done."

He waved it off. "Nah. I play with these guys all the time."

We looked to the field and I noticed someone had jumped in from the sidelines to take his place in the game.

"All yours." He grabbed my hand and led me towards the parking lot. "I do want to change first though."

Thank God. I didn't wanna say anything, but he'd already worked up quite a sweat and I didn't fancy the idea of being pulled in close enough to touch cold, sweaty clothes. Ick. He pulled a bag out of the back part of the cab and took a few minutes in the bathroom. The Chance that climbed back into the truck was sweat-free, dressed in jeans and a tee, and sprayed down with cologne.

"So what do you wanna do?" I asked as he started the truck.

"Do you play pool?"

I couldn't help but huff. "Are you seriously suggesting the clichéd date of bending a girl over just so you can show her how to use a stick properly?"

"Well, when you put it that way..." By the look on his face, that's exactly what he was hoping to do. "If you prefer, we can go with the cheesy date and hit the putt-putt course and racing track."

I scrunched my nose and shook my head.

"Well, normally I would suggest swimming but you're a little freaked out with water right now."

I nodded my head, this time agreeing with him.

"So you tell me. What do you think we should do? Unless you want to hit another restaurant or movie theatre."

"Eh. I think you were right with the first choice. Pool it is."

I pulled my seatbelt across my chest and ten minutes later we parked behind a building called BoJoe's.

"This is a bar, not a pool hall."

He cut the truck's engine. "Yeah. My friend's older brother is one of the owners."

"Bo or Joe?"

Chuckling, he replied, "Joe. It's Bobby and Joseph, actually. They've got a private room in the back they only let friends and family use. If it's free, he'll let us use it. Just give me a second to check."

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