How does a bakery not have sugar?!

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Mm! Smell that? Well maybe not through the screen. But I'm sure you can imagine. Those good bakery smells. And see everyone hard at work. My name is Farrah. And we are standing in Carlo's Bakery. I'm 17 years old. You know my big brother Buddy a lot better than anyone else. This is our family's bakery. Has been since as long as any of us can remember. Now I may not work here directly all the time but I like to help out or bake things with my brother and our family when I can but in reality for one I'm still in school. I'm the youngest of the family. I was in NICU for almost a year. Had childhood seizure disorders since I was hm 2 1/2 my last one I think I was about 9 but we kept me on the medicine till I was 11 just to be sure. I act I sing and I model for a company that works with all types of people and not just tall skinny twig people. I'm small but I'm also short. I was told that modeling paid well and I have a lot of medical bills. Not that I'd have to pay for it myself. But my mom is getting into her late years and my father died around the time I was born. Buddy is more of a father figure to me since I never knew mine.

The rest of the family although they like working with each other I'm told he's hard to work with and I've seen it but I am the only person he will never yell at. He loves working with me and I him but he's also a perfectionist and won't let me do any measuring by myself especially with large proportions I'm bad at math and I'm dyslexic and I have poor fine motor skills. I could never be at his level of baking I bake more for fun. But I also can't cook. I can bake but I can't cook. As much as a perfectionist as Buddy is he knows better than to yell and scream at me. We are always worried about any medical conditions. When I was 8 I had a heart transplant. I'm 17 and I'm in a lot of pain. For a while because I was hurting in my leg they thought the pain I was having was in my leg and the Drs. put me in a boot for several years. It turned out to be my back. I can't lift anything over 20 lbs. And I get shots for it. It helps some. But my family thinks the boot made things worse. With my brother especially at work everything is go go go.

He likes to say that he's the boss and for the most part he is. Except when I'm around. He's in charge of his workers and they know what they need to do but he drops everything when it comes to me. And let's me help them with their work. You know those T.V. shows where people often ask who are they talking to? For our family I am that person. I have a whole crew behind me. The longer you stick around with us the more about me and my family you'll learn. From love affairs and family drama and medical whatever. And not just me. When I'm not in charge you guys are in charge of the camera. Seeing things from everyone's POV but mostly me or my brother. And you've come at a great time. The bakery is always busy when it comes to wedding season. Follow me as we go into the kitchen where everyone is hard at work. And there is no margin for error. Ha Margin sounds like that brand or name of that butter or fake butter or whatever. Here you hear that? Well no you probably can't but you'll have to take my word for it. Relatives rolling things on trays to take out and put in boxes or display cases or rolled into ovens.

We gotta go we gotta go! That's Buddy. Always screaming about something. Farrah whatcha doin? I told you I'm doing that documentary reality T.V. thing. Oh that's already starting? Yes. Say hello. I don't have time for..... Fine hello. If you're here you're working. I'll let you know when I need your help on something. Rodger that big brother. Just pretend the cameras aren't here. Alright I need everyone on their A game today. A worker was working on a cake the cake itself looked yellow and it looks like it has strawberries on it. Like I was telling you and like Buddy will tell you that this week is a crazy week at Carlo's bakery. Hey kid I'll take it from here. Danny you gotta clear of that bench. He was saying. You gotta cut and fold and get ready to pull you can hear him say. Look at those cute little cakes. Get shots of those. We're gonna make 400 birthday cakes. Wow! I exclaimed. Farrah you wanna come help with those? Pull on an apron and get your hands washed. Be right there. Even when I know he can't or won't yell at me it's best to do what he says. Buddy will take it from here. We've got to make 2,000 cupcakes hundreds of pastries hundreds of pounds of biscottis and cookies 5 monster wedding cakes 4 or 5 huge specialty cakes.

I'm the boss!Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora