Chapter 15: Hide

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Chuuya's POV:

He fell to the ground.




I hastily kneeled beside him. No, no, no, no! This can't be happening. I looked around. It's too dangerous to be out in the open like this. I turned him around so he was laying on his back then I slid my hands under him and picked him up. I looked around for a safe place to put him. To my right was a slim ally. That could work. 

I carried him over to the alleyway and placed him down. I sat down beside him. I looked at him. 

A quick thought emerged into my brain and circled around. Is he.. dead? 

I could feel the panic rushing through me, my heart rate spiking and cold sweat breaking onto my forehead. I rapidly grabbed his hand an tried to check for a pulse. Arghh!! I can't feel anything with these goddamn gloves on! I almost ripped my gloves off and then checked again.

I waited patiently.








I felt my entire body relax and I breathed out all the air I didn't even know I had been holding. I took Dazai's face in my hand and turned it from left to right, trying desperately to find some sort of cause.

Even in this dimly lit alley I could see how unnaturally pale he was. All the color from his face had gone away together with- Wait that's it! His ability!

I feverishly looked around in my pockets. No not there, not here, not there either, here! I found the syringe in the pocket of my coat. When I got a good look at it though I noticed that the needle was gone. Crap. It had probably broken off when I was escaping. 

I had to come up with a new solution. 

I carefully placed Dazai in my lap and tilted his head up a bit. I put the syringe to his lips and began feeding him the blue liquid, hoping that he would drink it. 

"C'mon Osamu.." I whispered, praying that this would work.

As he consumed the odd substance I could see all the color coming back to his face. He was no longer that sickly pale skin-color. He began to stir and his eyes slowly opened. I was in complete shock. I didn't know what to do. 

"..Where.. who.. what?" He looked up at me.

I pulled him into a hug I couldn't help it. I thought that I had actually lost him. 

He can disappear and reappear into my life all he wants but I will kill him for a second time if he chooses to die. 

"You scared me to death you fucking asshole." 

"I- what?"

He slowly returned my embrace.

"Don't you remember?" I furrowed my eyebrows.

"I only remember when I was bound to that chair, Mori and... that's it."

We separated from each other and I made eye-contact with him. I could see that he meant what he said. 

"..Must be because your ability was taken.." I murmured. 

"Excuse me?"


I heard shouting in the background. But it wasn't just about any person shouting. I recognized those voices. Black Lizard.  

"Chu- Mph!"

I quickly put my hand over his mouth and shook my head with a serious expression. I nodded my head in the direction the shouting came from. I saw his eyes widen and I knew that he understood what this meant. We were being chased. 

This is a dangerous game we play. If Dazai gets caught he will most likely get killed. If I get caught.. I don't even dare think of what they'll do to a traitor. 

"..Let's go we can't stay here.." I whispered to him, I put my gloves back on and stood up.

"..Can you stand..?" Concern laced in my voice,  a bit too much for my liking.

He nodded and we both snuck out of the ally. We ran for it. We kept running. I could still hear the tsunami of orders being yelled in the background. We had to get away and soon. We ran by a shop and Dazai stole two long hooded coats, he threw one of them to me. 

"Put it on!" He shouted while running. He shouldn't have done that. I heard someone shout that they had heard his voice. I hastily put on the coat and took my hat off. I hoped that would make me less recognizable. 

I could hear the guards coming closer. And closer. And clos-

I felt my wrist being yanked to the side and naturally my body followed. Into an alleyway again. It was Dazai. He pulled me close and pressed me up against a wall. I felt my heart race. Fuck, what the hell does he think he's doing!?

"What are yo-?"

"Just play along." He whispered.

I did as told and shut my mouth. He was getting dangerously close to me. I didn't like where this was going.. or did I?

He lifted my face up and I put my hand on his waist. Just before our lips touched he stopped. I could hear Black Lizard outside the alleyway shout:

"It's not him! Just two people making out.." And then they left.

Dazai distanced himself from me and my tense body relaxed. We both took off the hoods and looked at each other. 

We both emerged into a laughing fit.

"Ohh, we got them good!" I cackled.

"I didn't they were that dumb!!" He laughed.

We laughed together. I've missed times like these.

It's great to have him back. 

I smiled. 




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