Chapter 11: Caught

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3rd person POV:

2 days has passed since Chuuya spied on Dazai at the café. Two days and yet Chuuya seemed to still be thinking about it. The way Dazai seemed so interested in him.. Or rather 'her'. He was supposed to look like a woman. Chuuya knew that Dazai was always hitting on everything and anything you could possibly call a woman, that's probably also why he was hitting on 'woman Chuuya'. 

Chuuya just wanted to get this over with. It was painful enough already following Dazai around like this. He found it a bit weird to be in his everyday life again, he couldn't decide if he liked it or hated it. Chuuya hated himself for even having anything to do with Dazai.

After Dazai had left The Port Mafia Chuuya had promised himself to get over him as he thought that they were never going to see each other again. 

He didn't know how wrong he was about that.

After almost three years of non-existence, Dazai just pops back into Chuuya's life again. And he hated him for it. But then again Chuuya couldn't really blame him for leaving the Mafia. It was and has always been an abusive environment. Chuuya wasn't mad at Dazai for leaving The Port Mafia, no. He was mad at Dazai for leaving him. Stranded. Burnt off. Alone. 

Oh, how he wished that he had just asked to leave the Mafia together.

I hate you.

I hate you.

I hate you!





Once again Chuuya and Dazai had ventured out on a mission. People told them that they were unstoppable together, that they were like pot and pan, that they were almost made for each other.


18 year old Chuuya was a bit grumpy being set on a mission with Dazai for the 5th time this week. You'd think that he would eventually get used to it right? But Dazai was always so full of surprises nothing was ever boring in the company of him. That would normally be a good thing but not exactly in this case. 

Chuuya just couldn't decide on how to feel about Dazai, he was annoying, yes but there was just something else that he couldn't quite put his finger on. 

Chuuya walked over to his motorcycle and hopped on, he was just about to drive off before he heard Dazai's voice interrupting him. 

Osamu cleared his throat. 

"So how am I going to get there, exactly?"

"Just walk." Chuuya deadpanned.

"Are you serious?"

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