Chapter 9: Back to where we started

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3rd person POV:

Chuuya and Dazai were both awake. They had just checked Chuuya's wounds to make sure everything was in check. Chuuya dressed himself in his newly washed clothing and neatly fixed his hair. 

He packed up all his belongings and was ready to leave. He walked over to the door and placed a hand on the doorknob but didn't turn it. 

Chuuya sighed and turned around.

"..I guess I should thank you. For taking care of me and.. You know." Chuuya couldn't really find the right words.

"You're welcome." 

"..Then.. I suppose this is where we part ways.. Again." Chuuya said with a hint of sorrow in his voice.

"Oh Chuuya! Don't look so glum, our paths always cross and you know that. Fate always has it's way." He wasn't wrong. Chuuya and Dazai, no matter on how bad terms they were, always found their way back to each other. Maybe it was fate.

"You're right. Thank you and... Goodbye." Chuuya nodded.

"Goodbye. Nakahara..." Dazai said respectfully for once.

Chuuya turned, finally turned the doorknob and opened the door to leave. He cast once last glance at Osamu before he closed the door behind him.

"..I have a feeling  we're going to meet again very soon."

The days pass and Chuuya has returned to his normal life. There was a bit of lying he had to do in order to keep his and Dazai's little secret. Mori luckily bought it and didn't question him further. 

All the other executives had been sent out on mission. Except for Chuuya Nakahara. He had been ordered to do some paperwork for the boss. He wasn't exactly happy about it but he didn't dare argue with Mori after being gone for a suspicious amount of time. 

Chuuya was now sitting in his chair doing the paperwork. It wasn't really his style, he usually just got Higuchi to do it for him. She had always had a knack for these paper things, Chuuya was more of the action guy. 

The only other time pen and paper had something to do with Chuuya was when he would write poetry. Yes, it seems a bit.. odd for a personality like Chuuya to write poetry but on him, poetry always had a calming effect. He found it quite relaxing at times to just lock himself away from the world and just enjoy a bit of solitude for once. 

The Port Mafia wasn't exactly a calm and quiet place. It could be a headache at times to work as a Mafia Executive. There was almost always work to do and you could barely catch a break, not many people can live up to the standards. Chuuya on the other hand, liked having a sort of purpose. Like he had a meaning. If he wasn't doing anything he felt as if he didn't really matter. 

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