Chapter 3: You!?

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Chuuya's POV

My eyes fluttered open. Argh, I have a headache. I don't remember what happened. Where am I? I looked at the ceiling of the room. My entire body felt so heavy. But I felt an extra bit of weight on my hand. I forced my head to the side so I could see. 

What I saw immediately made my eyes widen.

Dazai. Yes, that Dazai was holding my hand. What!? He was sitting on the floor with his fingers intertwined with mine, sleeping. I could feel my face heating up. What happened yesterday??

I panicked and quickly removed my hand from his, causing him to stir. He groaned and stretched. I was completely perplexed. Wait- I looked around I was lying in a bed. But not just any bed, his bed. So I was in Dazai's apartment?

"Goodmorning to you too, Chuuya~" 

"What the- Why am I here!?" 

"Don't you reme-" 

I didn't let him finish I was already getting out of his bed, I tried to walk away but my legs failed me and black spots started to form in my vision. I realized that I was falling. But something caught me, or rather someone. 

Dazai scooped me up in his arms and placed me back on the bed.

"Careful now. You still haven't recovered."

"Reco- From what exactly?" I was starting to get annoyed. 

"You seriously don't remember?"

"Does it look like I remember?"

He chuckled

"You used corruption for too long. It took quite the toll on your body, as you can see.."

I looked down I was still wearing the pants from yesterday but my shirt and vest was now gone and replaced with a ton of bandages. My entire torso was literally wrapped in them. I could see a hint of red peeking out, presumably blood. 

I looked around the room to see my coat nicely folded with my hat on top. Hm. How nice..

I was still trying to remember what had happened yesterday. I could only recall a few pieces, like looking for someone, finding them in some far away forest, fighting and.. Dazai. 

Wait- What about my car!? 

"Hold on. Where's my car?"

"Oh, I blew it up." He said with the most angelic smile.


"I'm kidding! I'm kidding. I brought it back safely, don't you worry your pretty little head about that~"


"By the way, you must be starving. I'll make some food for you." he said

"You don't have t-"

He placed one finger on my lips to silence me and then walked out of the room. What's up with this guy!? He doesn't talk to me at all and then suddenly comes back into my life and acts as if were best friends. 

I really do hate this man.



Dazai's POV:


I quickly picked Chuuya up in my arms and started to run through the forest. As I was running I found his hat and coat again. I placed Chuuya up against a tree and went to pick his belongings up. I put his coat over mine and when I scooped Chuuya up again I placed his hat on his stomach. 

I got to the cars and since I was only one person, who was in  any condition to drive, I had to choose which car I was going to use. Kunikidas or Chuuyas. I decided to go for Chuuyas. 

I rummaged through his pockets and eventually found his car keys in his coat. I hastily unlocked the car and carefully placed Chuuya in the passengers seat. I was going to have to get Kunikidas car some other time. 





When I got to my apartment building, I parked the car and hurried up to my apartment door. Thank goodness that it was late and no one was out. I unlocked the door and carried Chuuya to the bathroom. I placed him up against the wall and found a first aid med-kit. 

I stripped him of the upper parts of his clothing since that all the major injuries were there. I cleaned the wounds and wrapped his entire torso in bandages. I did the same with his arm. 

Looks like he got shot..

I took out a pair of tweezers and fished out the bullet in his arm. I tidied up all his wounds, wrapped them in bandages and wiped all the blood off his face. Then I picked him up, bridal style, and carried him to my bed. 

I'll just sleep on the couch. 





I had just finished eating some leftovers when I heard a voice coming from my bedroom. Was he awake? I hurried over to my room. But Chuuya wasn't awake. He was having a nightmare.

Rolling around, mumbling things like 'Don't leave me here' and 'stay'. I don't know what he was talking about or who he was referring to. Not until he said one word, one word that made it all make sense. Dazai. My name.

I wasn't really good at the whole comforting thing, but if its for Chuuya.. I'm willing to try.

I approached him and sat down on the floor beside the bed. I carefully took at hold of his hand and he started the calm down. I laced our fingers together and said something along the lines of 'I'm here.' before dozing off.






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