Chapter 13: Experiment

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Dazai's POV:

I can't believe he left me. I can't believe he left me behind. I really don't matter to him, huh? No, not anymore.





I woke up a different place than before, I wasn't in that disgusting old dungeon anymore. I was now in a squeaky clean laboratory.. tied to a chair, unable to move. I was still feeling a little drowsy after all that sedative... probably Chloral Hydrate.. 

I looked a bit more around with half lidded eyes, I had to strain myself to keep them open. I blinked a few extra times and looked around again. I was in a laboratory, there were lots of test-tubes, chemicals and other equipment for science. I turned my head and looked at my hands, they were both tied down to the chair. I desperately tried to wiggle my hands out but my efforts were wasted. The knot was too strong. Damn. I tried moving my feet. No luck there either, they were also tied to the chair. 

This is bad.

I was getting frustrated. I aggressively tried to tear the ropes off. I didn't care about what was around me at the moment and didn't even notice the person approaching me. 

"Now, now Osamu. You're just wasting your energy. You're never getting out of here." The voice boomed in the quiet room.

I quickly looked up only for me to meet eye to eye with the exact person I had dreaded to see. 

Ogai Mori.

I couldn't muster up a sentence. Not even a word. I just looked at him, my eyes now wide. What should I do? What can I do? Nothing. I am helpless. I have always despised the feeling of helplessness. It was the worst feeling I could ever carry. I hate this place, I hate being here, I hate the person in here with me, I hate that I'm still afraid of him, I hate him.  

"What's the matter? You seem at a loss for words. Oh, come now, you can at least greet this old friend of yours.."

Friend. Hah, something him and I never were and will never be. I don't think he even cares a little about me. I don't know what he's going to do to me in this laboratory, but I have a feeling it's going to hurt

"Hello.. Mori." I finally answered. I don't know why I did, it was a bit of a reflex I guess.

"There you go! Don't look so worried we're going to have a great time together! Here, let's shake on it." He said with that fake tone, sticking his hand in my face. Taunting me. 

"Oh wait. You can't!" He smiled at me. That disgusting smile, I don't even think it counts as a smile. He just mimicked one, I can't say it worked out well for him. Smiles were supposed to be warm and calming to look at, not alarming.

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