Chapter 6: Dazai..

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Chuuya's POV:

I could slowly feel myself starting to stir. My eyes slowly started to flutter open.
I felt warm. Too warm.

Without really focusing on anything I started to try and move my hands around. I traced my hands up and down something.. soft. And warm. Somebody.

I tightened my grip to figure out what exactly I was holding. Someone's waist it seemed to be. I let my hand run farther up the person's body and was met with a handful of fluffy hair.

I softly groaned and tried to inch myself out of the person's grasp but that plan backfired and they only ended up holding me closer.

I was still tired and my brain wasn't really cooperating with me. I didn't really care who it was beside me. I just felt comfortable and wanted to sleep a little more.

I closed my eyes again and let myself rest.





I don't know how much time had passed but when I woke up again I was still in the same position as before, this time though I was a lot more awake and realized that the one I was huddled up against was none other than Dazai.

My eyes widened and I could feel my face growing hot. I knew I shouldn't have said yes to letting him sleep in the same bed. Damn it.

I tried to push him away but he just softly moaned and held me tighter.

"Dazai.." I warned

I reached a hand out and tried to shake him awake but to no avail.

"Nmmh.. five more minutes.." He said waving my hand away

"Dazai..! What do you think you're doing?" I whispered yelled


"!" I said pushing him as hard as I could. He let go and I almost fell off the bed. I quickly got up in a sitting position.

"...What's wrong Chuu?" He said looking up at me
"Don't call me that.." I said covering my mouth with the back of my hand and rushing out of the bed.

"Where do you think you're going princess?" He said pulling me back by my wrist. I growled at him and gave him the nastiest glare I could muster.

"Oh come now, don't give me that look. What's with the rush?" He said rubbing his eye with one hand.

"Shut up. I told you to stay on your side of the bed! Asshole."

"...Huh? Oh! That. But you know that wasn't my doing.." He said with a smug look on his stupid face.

"..What?" I said with a warning tone, narrowing my eyes.

"Pft. You should see the look on your face right now!" He laughed

"Stupid mackerel! Stop laughing!" I exclaimed pushing him away.

"Oh, Chuuya.."

"Stop talking before I cut your damn head off."

"Geez, someone's in a grumpy mood."

"I'll kill you one of these days." I said walking out of the room

I could hear him chuckling from in the room. What a douchebag.

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3rd person POV: 

Dazai approached Chuuya.

"So how are you feeling?"

"..What exactly are you trying to pull..?" Chuuya said with suspicion, not believing Dazai actually cared

"..Ouch, my Chuuya thinks I'm heartless!" Dazai said dramatically putting the back of his hand on his forehead.

"You're such a pain.." Chuuya sighed

"Chuuya!!" Dazai whined, pouting

"Don't give me that face."

"Do you really think I'm heartless Chuu~?"

"Yes." Chuuya said not even looking at Dazai


Dazai didn't know what to say. Chuuya was just on his phone scrolling through something.

"What?" Dazai asked more serious now

"Are you deaf now too? You heard what I said, I know you did." He coldly answered still not sparing Dazai a single glance.

"..Okay, maybe I am a bit heartless." He admitted

"A bit..!?" Chuuya asked his voice tainted with hatred. He finally looked at Dazai.

"Oh, just a bit huh? Yeah sure. You have tons of sympathy!" He put his phone away and started approaching Dazai. Dazai backed away.

"Hey now.." He began but cut himself off when he felt his back come in contact with the wall. He was cornered.

"Listen here you piece of shit. I know I owe you my life and that's the only thing keeping me from throwing you to the other side of the city!"


"Don't even start that bullshit with me Osamu. Don't act like we're best pals when you've literally been nothing but a dark memory the past four years of my life."

Dazai was perplexed he didn't expect this reaction from Chuuya. Dazai was pulled out of his thoughts by Chuuyas menacing laughter.

"And look at you now! You're just a shell of your former self. The greater you. You could've been with me. You could've chosen me! But oh no. You chose those punks at the agency!" Chuuya was absolutely furious.

"Just when I thought we actually had something together.. You just had to leave the mafia didn't you. And what do I get? Nothing! Absolutely nothing. Not even a farewell. You call that having a heart!?" Chuuya said his voice cracking over

"You make me sick." Chuuya spat

"But I-"

"Give it up Dazai. You can't talk your way out of this one, not this time." Chuuya whispered, poison laced in his voice. He looked at Dazai with a mix of hurt and disgust. Then he turned and walked away.






Stay tuned for the next chapter

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