Destroy Me

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            Destroy Me by Grandson is so simple and yet so powerful and emotional. It's a pretty good song and the ending hits- I feel like every time I describe a song at some point I say "haha this describes my life," so I won't do that this time but... you already know.


    Ayla's eyes were sunken in overtaken by a dark shade of magenta with a twinge of sorrow. Just a twinge.

      I'm kidding, everyday this situation gets worse. I'm running on maybe nine hours of sleep across these couple days and everything's starting to blend together in one messy ball of chaos and when it gets fuzzy I start talking nonsense. Everyday seems the same oddly enough, someone dies, someone almost dies, and here I am watching Mavis rub some cream on Ayla's stitches for the second or third time.

       She looked up at me, her hands clenching the opposite shoulder. She didn't say anything but either I was making a face or she was trying to guilt trip me with the sad eyes.

       "Alright... all done." Mavis bit her lips into a straight line and stood up, offering a hand but just like the last couple days... Ayla didn't take it. She laid back on the ground on her stomach with her face turned out toward the light, with the same decaying hazel eyes.

     I took a deep breath as subtly as I could manage, "You know where to find us. Lurk if you need anything."

     I held open the tent and closed it behind Mavis. Without wasting a breath Mavis whirled around, "I'm worried about her. She's not eating. She hasn't spoken a word since..." Her eyes got distant, for a second I thought maybe she was having a vision but she quickly shook her head.

   Obviously I'm worried too. Ayla is the best thing to have ever come into my life, she makes me feel like a person with valid feelings, she makes everyone around her feel like there's good in the world. She almost died. She bled all over Mavis and me. And now we all have to ask the question of what Martin's plan is and where are they hiding in these woods. Why even bother waiting?

   Mavis grabbed my arm and guided me further away from the tent, "What I'm about to say I really wish I didn't have to."

   I raised an eyebrow and let my back hit the trunk of a tree. I knew what she would say, which is the downside of my power, and I hate that I already came to the same conclusion.

   "Ayla needs to be handed over to someone who can hide her. The rest of the rebels are starting to stir wanting to hurt her or worse." She was talking low, wary of those who might be listening. I hated that despite rebels having a common goal of protecting and preventing, some were so angry that they wanted to take it out on Ayla. I thought revealing her lineage would help explain why we were trying so hard and why the Insurgence was having a field day with torment- but it was always a double-edged sword.

     I closed my eyes and thought about the day I officially met her. I remember hearing the same voice of the girl I would chase at recess in her screams at me. I even remember questioning myself, my plan to be professional and hard on her because even from that day in a gas station bathroom I knew I wanted to know her. I shared a bed with her and slept well for the first time in years. I had a job and a role- I was making a difference in someone's life.

   "We tried our best but the situation was always too big for our hands," She sighed. "Maybe we can steal a car or get on a plane and take her to Illinois."

   "And what of Martin's plan?" I crossed my arms.

    She shrugged, "I can't force myself to get a vision about it. Whatever it is, future me is unaware and won't send me anything."

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