Something In The Way

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"Something In The Way," is a hit song from the band Nirvana. The song is so incredibly haunting it's as if you can feel his breath on your neck while he sings. Quite frightening. I love it. It scratches an unreachable part of my brain.


We were surprised to not find Kyle nor Jasmine lurking about the dust-filled gym when a tragic thought struck my mind. I guess I must've audibly gagged or something because Mavis quickly looked to me with a disgusted and equally confused expression.

"I think we might find the two of them at..." I pursed my lips and awkwardly fidgeted by scratching at the back of my neck. "Book club."

Mavis slowly began to shake her head and she groaned as she shoved past me. "She has such peculiar taste."

          As Insurgents, we don't get free reign to our natural emotions. Part of the induction process is a ceremony where all the trainees drink what is called in my world an Emotion Stabilizer or an ES. It's liquid torture that sticks to every internal surface it passes as it goes through your system and never leaves. Whenever we feel something outside of our programmed guidelines we feel an electric or burning pain that courses throughout our abdomen and throat... Super fun right? And what is a part of these restrictions? Just any excessive amount of any emotion. Really is quite annoying to be dry heaving as you mourn the death of... Whatever, you get the picture. Our powers are linked to our emotions and if you step out of line, they no longer work.

So... Book club is how we fulfill our human hormones and such without breaking the guidelines. Sex truly doesn't mean anything if you don't care for that person. Poetic. One of Martin's goals was to breed a natural Insurgent. Sex doesn't hurt us but if you love them... Love is pain.

We stopped outside of Kyle's room, our heightened senses of smell and hearing being the bane of both of our existences as we waited.

"I'm just going to go in—" I snatched Mavis' arm before it reached the doorknob and shot her a dangerous look.

"You cannot be serious," I whisper.

"Oh please like they're going to care. All those two do is sculpt their bodies to perfection." She fought against my grip, shoving me with her elbow.

I rolled my eyes and let go of her wrist, taking a cautious and terrified step back. "It's locked anyways."

She smirked at me, "How much you want to bet?"

I closed my eyes as she easily opened the door and strolled in without a care. I tip toed behind her with my eyes lowered to the ground and I heard the groan of a bed and shuffling. I focused on the littered floor full of half-empty water bottles and clothes strewn about. The smell in this room was ungodly and I felt dizzy the further I went in. Gross.

"Mavis?" I recognized Jasmine's raspy voice and I couldn't help but glance up to her. Jasmine was beautiful, I won't lie, and she's extremely aware of that as well. All I could see was her bare back as her blonde hair whipped around her shoulder and her head turned looking towards the both of us.

"Good to see you, Jas." The smirk on Mavis' face made me cringe as she shamelessly took in the sight of our two teammates.

I look away as Jasmine elegantly slid off of Kyle, picking up a sweatshirt and pulling it over her naked body and stood with her arms crossed.

Kyle sat up and shook out his sweaty, long red hair with a satisfied sigh. "Mav? No way! We were just talking about you!"

I snicker, "Just?" To each their own I suppose.

Jasmine's deadly eyes met mine and she chuckled, "Jackson's jealous. That was probably the most fun he's had in his entire life."

"Watching you?"

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