Somersaults And Ins(a)ults

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Two days ago we left the Club Mirage with developments. We couldn't be sure but the stray shifter was most likely from a different base. We learned that a tainted Insurgence serum was being sold around, expected to be like the drugs pumped into the air and drinks at the club but instead getting people sick. The last thing was that the Headmistress was a traitor and most likely, the mole we were searching for.

I've been sick for days after the trip there, Mavis says I've had a bad reaction to the air combined with the after affects of my brain literally being held hostage. Marcus got a hold of her too and although she won't admit it, I know it bothered her. She's been on edge ever since.

We all have.

I was in a rush to finally start some sort of training- and so was Jasmine. Finally feeling better I was up early and got ready for training.

Ignoring the feeling of the tighter clothes on me, I opened the door and found Jack, Mavis and Jasmine already there and waiting for me. My eyes immediately went to Jack who was no longer wearing his classic everyday black long sleeve but traded it out for a black t-shirt. He wore black sweatpants and had a strange cuff around his left wrist. "Showing arm today? Proud of you," I said with a grin.

He couldn't resist smiling at me, turning his attention back to the large punching bag hanging from the ceiling. He hit hard, harder than I expected at least. Jack didn't present himself as a fighter.

Mavis whistled. "Look at you. Are you excited? Feeling better?"

I set down my water bottle, rolling my shoulders back and taking a deep breath. I still felt queasy, but despite how they were giving off, "everything is fine," energy, I knew that wasn't true.

Deep down, I felt like it was all my fault.

"Headmistress is unaccounted for," Jasmine announced. "Ethan is laying low and staying with the police giving them updates for the time being, afraid she's going to compromise him."

"He's made several trips back and forth and they haven't confronted him so I think she hasn't said anything," Jack added. "I'm just concerned about this tainted Insurgence gene. Why would they do that? And who is behind it because I'm willing to bet it's not Martin."

Mavis nodded in agreement. "Martin would never tamper with his formulas like that. Club Mirage is supposed to be like advertising, it causes addictions. He wouldn't like the side affects."

I felt my eyes widen. "Wait," I said, voice shaking. They all looked at me. "So if I... die... then does that mean I'll-"

"You're not dying. No one is going to die," Jack said sternly, cutting me off.

Mavis slowly shook her head. "I'm sorry, mija, but I have no clue."

"I have more on night and morning watch. In fact I'm supposed to be asleep right now so let's get going." She motioned for me to join her on the mat in the center of the room and I hastily joined her.

My stomach is racked with nerves. Jasmine's expression was hard and focused, binding her arms with some tape thing similar to Jack's cuff. This was a good opportunity for her to kill me!

'I wouldn't let her,' Jack lurks to me.

Somehow I suspect he wouldn't win that fight.

Jasmine looks to me as Mavis enters the ring. She wore a smug smirk and a tilted eyebrow. Tall... regal... beautiful. Oddly enough she was still wearing makeup, comfortable in a sports bra and leggings. Her blonde hair was long and sleek, shiny. She was truly unlike anyone I've ever seen, intimidating but still... girly? Turns out that's not as uncommon as I had previously thought. It's like Jack said, girls do all kinds of things here.

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