The Best Eggs In The Hidden World

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I woke up and briefly forgot where I was. The soreness in my back thudded to life with it's own pulse and my mind flashed back to last night when I was attacked. Why would she do that to me? And why did those guys not know about me? The unnatural security I felt crumbled to the floor and panic washed over me. I'm so stupid. This isn't safe. Even worse I'm powerless against the super humans keeping me here just like— just like my house.

I sat up and looked to my right to see Jack's makeshift bed empty yet perfectly made. He left me alone in his room— perhaps this was some sort of test after last night. Part of me of course wanted to run, but where would I go? After personally getting my butt kicked I decided the best thing to do was to straighten up my borrowed bed and wait for someone else to come back. I needed answers and to explain myself before Jack really did tie me up to a fence post.

I took the time to look around the room I was now sharing, reading the spines of books he had stacked neatly by color in his shelves and an assortment of composition notebooks labeled by movies, tv shows, books, and miscellaneous. He had shelves of albums and movies and a record player on top with an unknown black disc sitting waiting to be played, a small square black bag next to it . No TV, no phone charger in sight.

I was about to grab one of his records when I noticed that on top of the shelf next to the record player laid two picture frames lacking pictures inside, one of which was cracked.

The door opened and I quickly straightened up and watched Kyle and Jack walk into the room, "Oh, you're awake," Jack said, closing the door while Kyle gave me a nod.

"Good morning beautiful," Kyle said, a lopsided grin lighting up his face.

I hope I'm not blushing. Him calling me beautiful was a lot more endearing than Jack's attitude. I don't remember ever being called beautiful in my life, and realize my fear and urgency has already melted away upon seeing the two silver-eyed boys. Pathetic. I have questions for my so-called protectors. I really wish Mavis was here.

"Morning," I whispered, offering a closed smile, my new confidence gone. While my hands shake with anger, there's a small part that still wants their approval. There's no way they can be bad people.

"How are you feeling?" Jack asked, his eyes trailing me up and down. His lips were fixed into a tight line, something like worry freezing over his already cold eyes.

"I mean... physically maybe a little tingly but still freaking out." Trying to play it off was my best option, I've seen what these people could do if they really wanted to.

Jack's eyes narrowed on me. He pursed his lips and nodded, "Perfect." Didn't sound like it.

"You slept in past breakfast but lucky for you I saved you a platter of Jackie's famous scrambled eggs! Best in town." Kyle grinned, holding out a covered bowl in his hands. I wondered how much of this town Kyle has seen. When did he meet this fate? He looked older than Jack— but maybe it's because of how much bigger he is compared to him. Kyle was at least a couple inches taller than Jack who is definitely not short. He wore a white t-shirt that was tight around his broad torso. I quickly looked away.

Jack beside him cleared his throat and looked at me. "I... I run the cafeteria." While Kyle elbowed him and broke off into a ridiculous fit of cackling, my smile threatened to break in upon seeing the flush on Jack's face. I'm supposed to be serious.

I blinked, "Okay but what's the catch. What do I have to do?" I looked between the two of them and then to the bowl of eggs still steaming. My stomach grumbled, the inside of my mouth watering at the sight. At home I mostly ate from the stocked cans in the pantry and dry cereal. Whenever my parents would come back they'd come with real groceries that would give me more options for about a week after they eventually left again. Even forced me to try using the stove—

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