Queen vs Queen

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"Detroit Smash!!!!" The whole building collapses in seconds after a single lunch from the number one hero. His reckless behaviour was not a normal site. Being the number one hero holds a special place in people. You are expected to be perfect and not be a nuisance to the people. But the way All Might was behaving was just extra ordinary.

Both the students were saved instantly before the collapsing of the building and it was all thanks to Hawks's feathers, being able to detect lowest vibration inside that building.

"Hawks.. get Katsuki and Hitomi to safety and out of Kamino ward. Staying there any longer is danger for them. Now that All for One and Bitch might are going to clash, things are going to get nasty."

"I know."


A gray smoke erupts from through nothingness of the air. Increasing in size as each second passes, it had become a smoke cloud almost at a hight of 2 floors of a building.

"Here he comes."

Without wasting a single second of time All might comes out to the street exploding the whole building.

"Let's have one last fight Toshinori Yagi and see who comes out victorious"

To the challenge presented by All for One a reply came by a boulder that was thrown at him by one other than the wife of Number 1 hero.

"Gigantomachia I want you here"

Instantly after the low whisper from All For One, the ground starts shaking violently as loud footsteps approaches them.

As the fear inside people rises more and more, from the battle ground a single voice raises.

"Dont fear people, because I am here!!!!"
The same catchphrase All might used every time on his missions. A sentence that always build confidence inside people. But this time it was not enough.

"I don't think so....because I am here"

The embodiment of evil. The self proclaimed demon lord and the number one villain of the entire world had marked his statement inside people and to back it up he shows a small percentage of his power.

"Air cannon"

The whole ground was destroyed in a matter of seconds, sending all of the debris and objects around him flying to God knows where. The gust of wind send by All for One was so powerful that it was capable of launching All Might in the air, crashing onto multiple buildings.

"Number one hero my ass." Mocking All Might, All for One levitates towards Inko who just happens to be standing frozen to the ground.

"Oh ho what is this.... scared so much that can't even walk? Have heroes become weaker?"

All for One lifts his hand and backhand slaps Inko to a building. Unable to even evade, Inko takes the hit head on and crashes onto a building.

"Flash fire fist" Came down flying, The flame hero Endevour. From the blind side of All for One, Endevour successfully lands a punch on his face with a bright red flame ignited fist.

"Ice meteor"

Unable to catch himself properly, All for One was struggling and that's when a giant ball of ice came down from the heaven.

Even though at the last second, All for One evades the giant ball of ice. But the after effect came as a surprise. The ice instantly freezes the surroundings and it was able to cover All For One in a coating of ice.

"Jet Burn"

From his position Endeavor sends out a long range fire attack, which makes a giant explosion as both the cold air and hot wind collides in just a matter of few seconds. All For One was damaged badly.

His body was burned due to steam and the ice had given him a few blood clots.
But all of those injuries instantly healed when All For One was again seen standing.

"What a chemistry you have Enji, Rei. But that is not enough. Air Cannon"

Easily blowing away the steam, All for One comes out totally unscathed.

Suddenly from the dispersing smoke something large shoots out against All For One at a great speed.

"Strength enhancer x2" Even though blind All for One pinpoints the location of the coming attack with his 'Infrared' quirk and blocks it with a punch.

"You are up All Might... i thought you had died from that single hit" All for One grabs All Might's right arm and uses his free arm to punch All Might's abdomen.

"Aaaahhhh" As All for One exactly hit at the injured part, the stinging sensation becomes a very excruciating pain.

"Isn't it te for you to die, All For One."

Even though blood is dropping down from his mouth, All might ignores it and asks All for One.

"You see All Might. There are somethings I have to do and for that to happen I should live mo-"

Interupption came before he could finish. The ground under All for One was lifted up and he was thrown up where a surprise was waiting for him.

"Prominence Burn......"

Almost using all of his quirks power Endeavor tries to end the No.1 villain with a last resort attack. But the high refenaration quirk was so powerful that each burn and scars he received were instantly regenerated.

But one thing All for One didn't take in account was that, he was not in his prime and there was a limitation on how much he could use his quirks.

A sudden headache creeps onto him. Hurting his head from inside, feeling a very powerful burn from the inside and painful pinches from the outside.

Seeing his opponent in pain All Might takes the chance and tries to end All for One. But, All for One was not going to let that happen. From his spine black tendrils erupts which had red marking over it. Now he had a slight advantage.

"No you don't faceless asshole." Rei suddenly appears behind All for One and freezes his whole spine and then with a single punch she completely brakes the tendrils.

"I only have one last resort. Give everything I have. Every last bit of energy I have left, I have to use it."

While Rei and Inko tried their best at holding off All for One, All might was preparing for his one final attack. All of his energy was transfered into his right arm. The buffed up All Might that everybody knew was no more. In his place now there was only a man who was more or less looking like a skeleton.

"United states of Smash!!!!!"

" Strength enhancer x3, kinetic booster x4, spring like limbs, multiplier, hypertrophy, rivet, spearlike bones. Ultimate Quirk combination...."

A single punch from both sides, destroying half of the city instantly and the destruction still going on. The clash was deadly and there could have been only one winner. The number 1 hero All Might or the Number 1 hero All for One. It was just matter of seconds until the winner could be proclaimed.

When the cloud of dust dispersed both the number ones were standing infront of each other. The only difference was, All For One had his arms pierced through All Might's abdomen.

"Farewell All Might"

Yosh. This ends the 19th part of Heartless. I hope all of you enjoyed. If you did leave a vote and follow me for more stories like this.


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