A sneak peek to my past.

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A sudden shock went through everyone of the heroes present there.

"BLACK HEART.... was tortured.."
"He was neglected???"
"Was a punching bag for friends?"

"My father or my was father...was or is a hero respected by many. But,he didn't knew how to respect his own son. I was just a tool present for him to let his frustration out. My so called friends gave me many gifts everyday. Burns, scars,wounds covered my body and new one were gifted everyday. But there was no one to ask for me. The lady who carried me 10 months inside her used me as a toy that she could throw around and play with however she wanted. But, there was no one to ask for me. Years of pain,agony and solitude. I survived days without eating, days without drinking even a single drop of water and the only thing that kept me alive till this time was my no longer a dream of being a hero. Till that time I survived because the fire inside me burned brighter than the fire around me. But it was put out. My embers of fire was weaker than the rain. They fell on me and I was put out. And when I finally stopped trying to ignite more fire myself, I was saved or I was forced to ignite the fire again. But this time it spread around the forest so much that no clouds were able to put it out."

The heroes were in silence. Nobody opened their mouth. They could only imagine a Izuku's past and even that made them shudder.

"Well I am not here to talk about my past. I will come to the point of decision now. The dark image I and my team created over the heroes among the civilians." Izuku takes the remote and presents a slide on the white screen.

"This is the reported amount of villain attack cases happened in Japan last year. I will repeat again reported amount of villain 'attack' cases.
It was over 1500. Now as of this year currently which means there is only a quarter year left,and the villain attack cases are 435 to be exact. It's been reduced to more than half. There were almost 700+ cases of robbery smuggling etc in total last year where as this year they are only below 150."

"This reduced because of heroes right?"
Nezu asks.

"Wrong. Among the 435 villain attack cases 378 of them were delt by special forces of Hero commision lead by multiple high rank officers. Reduction of smuggling  theft and etc happened because the police, the security and army all of them were always on high alert. The special intelligence group played a very big part in this. As many incidents were stopped before it happened. Where as the heroes...." Izuku changes the slide showing some pictures of  heroes shaking hands with villains, videos of heroes doing nothing while villains go on a rampage infront of them. He even showed a video were the hero openly confess that he won't go to action until a major news channel doesn't come to cover the story. This is the reality of majority of the heroes currently in the society. We do kill, but only them who deserves. I still don't know why you were so eager to get us disband, and I am not going to believe that it was just because we killed villains and that scared civilians."

Izuku closed the presentation and slammed a  file he had on his hands the whole time.

"This contains every information on who we killed,when,where and why we killed them. If you want you can go through them..... now that my job is done here I will be leaving because I have a little sister to take care off. And...if you want to meet me, arrange a meeting early. Bye."

Naruto instantly storms off from the meeting room and ran off to somewhere.

"Hmmm..." Shiro let's out a light sigh and stands up from her seat getting the attention of all the heroes.

"Now for my judgement.... TEAM BLACK or any other special force teams under Hero commision won't be disband. As they work directly under me there is nothing even World Hero Association would be able to do even if you give a complaint to them. Second thing, the past Izuku talked about is not to be reveled outside and it's a strict order from me. Now that the meeting is over you all are free to leave.." Shiro says her farewell and leaves the room.

Most of the heroes left the meeting room with a disappointed face. Not because they failed in disbanding the special force, but for the fact that there was a darkside of heroes that they kept hidden. Many of them were revealed to be fame hunters and some became heroes just to make money this had disappointed the heroes and if to be revealed to outside the trust people have in heroes will also be lost.

Inside the meeting room there were some heroes that haven't moved a single inch from their seat.

"He is hiding so many things." Aizawa says as he stares at the ground.

"We didnt even knew half of it...he took all the pain and just decided to leave this filthy world showered with so called names of justice, peace and freedom." Drops of tears fell from his tired eyes. Aizawa just spoke looking at the tiles of the room.

"To think that... the number one, the strongest, the most respected and the most looked up hero was a fucking child abuser. Not only him, but his whole family abused and neglected their on blood just because he didn't have a fucking quirk. Just because he didn't have a fucking quirk he was forced to quit his life."

As each word came out of his mouth Aizawa's eyes started shining brighter red and his hair started floating and swaying.

"I can see it. Your time is nearing Toshinori and Inko."


"We are the wild wild pussy cats!!!!!"

In the middle of a forest situated far away from the cities. Class A and Class B of UA 1st year's where now there. The reason was unknown but many students thought it was a camping vacation.

But their thoughts were broken down when Vlad king gave a  signal to to one of the pussy cat and the next moment the ground below them collapsed. Students rolled down the hill on to the ground and from above they got an instruction.

"A pathway is created for you idiots to reach the forest resort. Find the way reach there withing three hours we will meet you there."

No questions were asked. The first year students knew that once a decision is made by either Aizawa or Vlad king there is no point in questioning the decisions because there would be no change in the answer.

"See you later losers" With his usual high and mighty attitude Katsuki Bakugou the so called future number 1 hero started flying straight with help of his quirk. Just as he took off a giant hand fell on him which smashed him towards the ground.

"Bakugou!!" Kirishima runs towards his friend as he saw the hand that hit Katsuki was not a small one.

"Haaaa!!!" Screaming in rage Katsuki gets up again and rushes at the humanoid figure made of earth, that slammed him to the ground.

"Oi wait"

A futile effort to stop Katsuki was tried by Izumi. But listening to nobody Katsuki rushes at the giant mud monster only to get slammed again.

"That idiot..." From a distance somebody spying on the class lets out a sigh.

Yosh. This ends the 15th part of Heartless.

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