Battle Of Leaders.

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"Now who the fuck are you?" Izuku asks when he saw somebody again interrupting his fight with Overhaul.

"My name you ask? I am Yu Hojo.
A faithful subordinate of Overhaul."

"Souka? Then you shall die too."

"Hahahah. There is no fucking way you can put a scratch on me."
Hs confidence was at its peak.

"Might want to think about it again." Izuku takes out a gun and shoots three times aiming straight at Yu Hojo's head.

But as a surprise, his quirk appeared to be a defensive one. His hands were covered in crystals and they were powerful enough to block three shots from a 9mm pistol.

"Quiet a powerful quirk you have there." As a compliment Izuku says.

Hojo instantly covers his whole arm with crystals and shapes it narrow at its tip. 

Izuku let's out an unimpressed look and slowly walks towards Hojo who  was running towards him.

Izuku dodges a right swing attempted by Hojo and counters it by hitting his abdomen with a left handed punch. Without wasting a tad bit of time Izuku upper cuts Hojo and punches his stomach several times.

Hojo pushes Izuku away and then again tries a right swing but it was caught by Izuku easily. He then proceeds to hold Hojo on his grip and kicks his abdomen twice and his head once sending him away.

Soon the fight was interrupted by Overhaul who got in Izuku's way by sending pillars of concrete at Izuku.

"You fucker." Izuku says in frustration but there was nothing he could do.

"Dont be such a wimp now. You are the one that came to me." Overhaul says.

Izuku slices down the pillars and then runs towards Hojo with his maximum speed.

"You know crystal fuck , to move a human need joints. Those crystals can't protect every part of your's."

Completely ignoring Overhaul Izuku moves towards Hojo and then adds.

"I will send your master soon to where you are departing crystal fuck."

For a robot to move its Joints are very important and so are for humans  and they are very vulnerable.

Izuku kicks Hojo's left leg's knee and breaks it in one hit. As he bends down Izuku Elbows his face. Before he could deliver a killing blow the platform he was standing on starts moving upwards.

"Such a pain in ass."

As the platform starts moving to greater heights, Izuku takes out his pistol and aims at Overhaul.

Now that interference of Hojo was out of question he could properly try to deliver a fatal blow at Overhaul. Even though the platform was shaking Izuku could take proper aim at Overhaul.
As Izuku pulled the trigger the platform stopped moving shaking his aim a bit. The bullet that was supposed to hit Overhaul's head, hit his wrist insted.

"Aaaaa." Frustration kept building up inside Izuku more and more.

Izuku jumps down the platform and uses his arm to grab the building so that he could skid easily to a safe landing.

"I am taking that hand bird face." Izuku grabs the bullet pierced left hand of Overhaul and pierce his right hand on the ground with a sharp piece of rubble.

"Told you next time we meet only one of us will be left alive and here we are... For everything that you did to Eri"

Izuku cuts Overhaul's left hand.

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