Izuku vs Overhaul begins.

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Team Black and Shiro were out cold. They enjoyed the party organized for Riser's birthday so much that everyone of them drank atleast 3 bottles of alcohol.

"They are such a pain in ass some times." Izuku who was still holding himself some how was carrying his friends inside team Black's boot camp.

After laying almlst everyone of them down Izuku picks up Ruri and takes her to her room. And as he lays her down Izuku loses his conciousness and falls down next to her.

"So warm...." Ruri enjoys the the warmth from Izuku and pulls him close to cuddle and the night ends with a happily.


"Ummm Izuku san Okite(wake up)" Ruri says with a deep red blushed face.

Even though she was trying tk wake Izuku up, the knly thing going on her mind was
'We didnt do anything right?'

"Its... Too... Early" Izuku in his sleep moves Ruri's hand and pulls her close towards him and makes her lay over him.

"I... Want to... Sleep" Izuku puts on the cover and lays down with Ruri over him.

"I guess sleeping for some time more wont hurt." Ruri thinks to herself and hugs Izuku.

Present time.

All the girls were now dreesed up in their work clothes. But everyone of them were acting weird. And as Izuku notices this he decides to drop down the question.

"Are you all ok? You guys look still high.."

"We.Are. Ok" Every girl except for Ruri says with a angry look.

"I guess you guys are upset over sething I did. If its because i didnt help you to prepare for party then I am very sorry, I was busy killing villains. But then why are you angry over me Kaina?"

But for Izuku's disappointment his guess was wrong.

"Um Izuku san you should be leaving. There are some visitors for you today." Ruri says with slight blush of embarrasment.

"Umm ahh right i should be leaving. See... Ya then" Izuku says his farewell and leaves.

Just after Izuku leaves every one of them turns towards Ruri.

"How could you sleep with Izuku.... You cheater... I thought we talked about sharing Izuku and you just made the first move. How could you do this Ruri." Shiro grabs Ruri by her collar and shakes her violently.

"B-but we didnt do a-anythi-" Ruri didnt get a chance as she was now infront of Kaina.

"Dont Ruri.. Just tell us how big was it"
With a deep red blush on her face Kaina asks.

"W-what are you saying. We didnt do anything!!! Izuku san carried me to my room and when I woke up Izuku san was sleeping on my bed and I was cuddling him. That is what happened and I am sure we didnt do anything" Ruri lashes out as she replies them.

"Oh. We thought, you made your move. Gomen"

"No problem Kaina san and I know we all love Izuku san and we will agree with his choice." Ruri hugs the girls.

Just as they were enjoying the moment Misaki says something

"Umm girls its 9:30 we are late."

That singal sentence hit their mind hard.

"Looks like we have to hurry."
Misaki says in panic and runs inside to get ready.

With Izuku.

"Ahhh now who are these visitors ?"

Just as Izuku sits at his seat. A lady enters and notify him with the arrival of first visitor.
The party enters and it surprises Izuku.

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