013-Babysit a Little Longer

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The two of us dropped Archer off and made our way back home. 

We enter Seth's place and he locks his door.

We make our way to the bed.

"Now you are sure you want to do this? There's no rush, really! I know your dad talked about wanting.."

"Oh I know, and yes I'm sure. I think it would be neat if we could try and make archer a big brother. They could share the second room, they would be so close!" I exclaimed.

Seth smiled at me. "Alright, then let's make that happen love."

~Time Skip because I'm trash at describing ~

We wake up the next morning both of our phones going off. I thought something was wrong with Archer so I quickly answered, paying no mind to the caller ID.

"Hello? Is everything okay?"

"Uh yea why wouldn't it be?" A male voice answered.

"Colby? What the heck are you doing calling me at 4 in the morning?"

He tells me it's actually 10:47 am.

"Really? There's no way!" I asked looking at the time, Colby being correct.

"Told you." He stated. "Anyways I have a question."

"Who's that my love?" Seth asked arms now around me.

"Colby, he was about to ask something."

"Yo Seth!" Colby shouts.

"Sup man?" Seth laughs.

"Boys shut up, Colby what do you want?"

Colby tells me that him and Sam were throwing a bit of a Halloween bash before they went on their next haunted adventure, asking if we would come to both.

"I suppose that's not a problem, Seth and I would have to go find costumes."

"Alright well see ya at 6pm, also bring chips and soda!" Colby hangs up.

Alright then...

"Sethypoo, how do you feel about getting my parents to babysit a little longer?"

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