007- Short Story

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Once Seth detached from my lips, I noticed then all staring at us.

"Tell us the story of how you first met!" Tara shouts holding up a wine glass.

"Tell us! Tell us! Tell us!" The crowd started chanting.

"Well, alright I guess..." I paused, looking at Seth to make sure it was okay to which he nodded.

"Sam, Colby, and I have been best friends since we were all little. We did quite literally everything together. We even moved into an apartment together. Flash forward to their YouTube channel kicking off they were going on tours and doing different things. I stayed back and worked for my half of rent while they drew in money from media. This is where the story starts to get cliche.." I say look from the crowd to Seth then back at the crowd.

"During one of the busiest shifts I had ever had (enter Seth) I saw this...quite beautiful man come in. He told me he was here for training. I of course being the most experienced and knowledgeable manager there, took it upon my self. I trained him for about a week." I smiled looking at Seth.

"I was so head over heels for this boy I would purposely schedule us together just so we could see each others faces. Now, during a break from the tours when Sam and Colby were home I...I would always talk about Seth, like they NEVER and I mean NEVER EVER got to hear the end of it. That is until they started going on paranormal investigations. Flying across the country, even to a whole new country. Back to Seth, he quits the job. I try asking him to hang out one day and he said he had plans to fly with some of his friends for an investigation. Fast forward to Sam and Colby coming back, they started questioning me. They knew who Seth was. They met him. They were his friends he was flying with. They were determined to tell him how I felt..."

"Wag hap neeeeexrrs?" Sam asked heavily drunk.

"Colby told me, to write how I felt about him in a journal, and turn it into a song. So I did. Until now I never thought I would be singing that song to him, I didn't think he would ever get to hear it.... But I am surely glad he did."

I smiled looking at Seth. "I love Seth, I love him so much...and I am not letting this chance get away."

"I love you too." Seth responds, forehead now touching mine.


Apologies for this being shorted than normal, consider it a filler

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