002-Decision Made

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"When are you leaving us? We didn't expect you for dinner.." Sam asked.

"I'm not leaving...I have a decision made." I stated taking a sip of my tea.

"I bet Seth loves that one." Devyn smiles looking at us both from across the table.

"I do, I really do. I couldn't be any happier."

I smile softly, laying my head on his shoulder then resuming the meal.

"This is really good, where did you get the recipe?" Kat asked me.

"I found it years ago when I made it for my family. They loved it and I wanted to try again."

Everyone commented that it was really great. I felt successful.

"Anyone feel generous enough to do dishes tonight or will that be me?" I asking placing my dishes into the sink.

"Why don't we just do the dishwasher?" Corey asked placing his in the dishwasher instead, then taking Devyns after.

"Good point, I guess what works." I say switch my dishes over. "I guess who ever is last can start it up."

That ended up being Colby.

After he started the dishwasher he joined the rest of us in the living room where we all played games and watched scary movies.

We were watching the second Conjuring movie, let's just say I was clinging to Seth the entire time.

He grabbed a blanket from the closet and placed it over the both of us. I thank him and snuggle closer than I was...if that's even possible.

About halfway through I fell asleep. I guess Seth ended up doing the same because I woke up to his head on my chest, and the rest of the group cooing and taking pictures.

"Mm whyyyy were sleepinnnnggg." I said loud enough for them to hear and not wake Seth.

"Aw come on, it's cute." Sam smiled.

"Yeah, you guys sleeping together is so photogenic." Jake laughed.

We stared at him, Seth starting to stir. "Much better than her and any of those North Star phony boys?" Seth asked.

"Seth how much of that did you hear?" I asked.

"Oh I heard all of it, I wasn't actually asleep."

"Jerk." I say pushing his shoulders making him get up.

"Aw bite me." He stated smirking.

I stayed silent, getting up and heading to our room. "Come on, you know you will." He says following behind.

I mean...was he wrong?

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