Chapter 15

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Chapter 15
louis' pov
I woke up to the sound of rain pelting against the window. I looked over to see the little red numbers glowing. 1:45. Great. A sudden white light illumined the room and the low grumble of thunder vibrated through the room. Being a light sleeper really is the worst. Looked over to harry, who was still fast asleep with his chocolaty curls spread all over the pillow and his velvety ears were just visible. His pouty lips slightly parted and small snores coming from his mouth. His closed eyes made his eyelashes fan out across his slightly pink cheeks and he had a small frown on his otherwise peaceful face. I sighed figuring out that I wouldn't be getting back to sleep with the storm going on outside. I pulled the covers of my body and slipped out of bed carefully so I didn't wake harry up. I opened the door as quietly as I could and padded down the hall to the kitchen.
I flicked the kettle on and opened the cupboard reaching up on my tiptoes to grab one if the many mugs that lived on the top shelf. I placed a tea bag into the mug just as the kettle had finished boiling. Carefully I poured the hot water into the mug watching the steam rise up and evaporate into the air. I walked into the living room, flicking the radio on as I made my way to sit on window sill. I watched as lightning illuminated the street and the deep rumble of thunder followed after and the rain that hit the window before rolling down. The soft sound of Ed Sheeran's thinking out loud filled the room. I smiled as the song made me think of harry, even though I had only known him for about a week, the boy had managed to worm his way into my heart and it both terrified and comforted me at how quickly he had. The kitten eared boy had fallen into my life so unexpectedly, and although there was still so many mystery's that loomed over the boy, I can't imagine him not in my life anymore.
About half an hour later I had almost finished my tea and the storm outside had calmed down a bit. It was then when I heard an ear splitting scream come from the bedroom. Obviously it could only be harry. I stayed where I was for a second thinking that he could just be screaming in his sleep but then I heard him screaming my name followed by a loud thud. I quickly scrambled up from where I was sitting and raced down the hallway and into my room. I was met with possibly the most heart-breaking thing I think I have ever seen. Harry was lying face down on the floor tangled up in the duvet, not sobbing but screaming into it. I immediately hurried over to him, placing a hand on his shoulder,
"harry, what happened why are so upset?"
as soon as he heard my voice he launched himself off the ground and onto me, his hand tightly gripping my shirt and he let out a scream like sob of my name as he buried his head into my shoulder.
"Harry, kitten you need to calm down, or you'll make yourself sick" I said running my fingers through his hair.
Harry only let out another sob shaking his head against my shoulder. I felt his tail wrap around my thigh.
"Harry please you will make yourself sick if you don't calm down" I demanded, rubbing his ears with my thumb.
His screams turned into sobs and started mumbling my name over and over again, he began shaking we stayed like that for a couple of minutes before he pulled his head up from my shoulder with a small frown on his pale face,
"h-harry n-needs, i-I don't k-know-
thankfully I know what was going to happen, so I quickly lunged forwards to grab the trash can, holding it in front of harry as he dry heaved twice before emptying the contents of his stomach into it. I rubbed the small if his back while whispering small nothings into his ear.
he let out a little coughing stuttering sound before he looked up at me with fear and panic on his face,
"w-what w-was that?" he panted
"you were sick baby" I whispered
"h-harry did n-not like t-that" he hiccupped out resting his head back on my shoulder. He still had hot tears rolling down his cheeks but his sobs had turned into little hiccups.
"You okay now kitten?" I asked with one hand running through his hair and the other rubbing small circles on his back.
I felt him nod his head against my shoulder,
"h-Harry's mouth t-tastes weird n-now" he mumbled
"I'll get you some water kitten" I said attempting to get up but that only made harry panic again,
"n-no, do n-not leave h-harry!" he screamed burring himself further into my neck
"shh, it's okay kitten, I'm not going anywhere, there's a glass of water on my dresser" I whispered rocking him back and forth gently.
Harry just shook his head against my shoulder and continued to sob.
I let out a sigh and carefully stood up, lifting harry up with me. I re-positioned him so that I carrying him bridle style. The trash can of vomit was sat beside my foot. I had to do something with that. I picked it up, trying not to drop harry and ran into the bathroom with it and dropped it in the bath. I'll deal with it properly in the morning. I went back into my bedroom and sat on my bed placing harry between my legs.
"You still need some water baby?" I asked running my finger through his hear again.
I felt him nod against my chest. I grabbed the water from my dresser and carefully brought the glass to Harry's lips. He took a couple of sips before pulling back and burring his face back into my chest. I relaxed a little knowing his sobs had turned into hiccups again and there was no longer tears rolling down his face, but how he got into his previous state still worried me.
"Harry, kitten can you tell me why you were hyperventilating before?" I asked quietly.
I felt harry stiffen and he make a little whimpering noise.
"Common kitten you can tell me" I encouraged
harry nuzzled his nose into my neck and whispered,
"I had a night image and when I woke up you were gone. I was scared"
"a night image, do you mean a dream"
harry nodded against my neck,
"aww baby" I cooed pulling him closer to me
I looked over to the clock to see that it was almost 3 in the morning now,
"kitten it's almost 3 in the morning, we should try to get to sleep, we have to be up early tomorrow so I can go to work again"
harry hummed and nodded,
"I am sleepy now" he mumbled
"yeah me too kitten"
that was the last thing I said before slipping into a peaceful sleep.

I woke up to something poking my cheek, I them realised that it was harry when I heard,
"Louis, Louis, wake up something is making a weird Nosie"
I woke up a little more and realised that my phone was ringing. I sat up and reached for my phone that was under my pillow. The caller ID said James bean, my boss. I frowned a little wondering why my boss would be calling me at 5:45 in the morning. I answered the phone,
"hello is this Louis Tomlinson?"
"well I'm calling to tell you that you don't need to come to work today, there's been a power cut"
"okay, thanks for letting me know"
"have a good day louis"
he hung up after that. He's a strange man.
Harry look up at me and it was then that I realised that we were still in the same position as we were when we fell asleep in the early hours of the morning.
"Good morning kitten" I said leaning down to kiss his nose.
Harry giggled,
"louis is weird"
I let out a fake gasp and pretended to be hurt by his comment,
"I'm weird because I like to kiss my kitten?"
harry giggled again,
"yes" he nodded.
"Well then, I guess that means no more kisses for harry" I said playfully looking away from him.
It was Harry's turn to gasp now,
"n-no always k-kisses for louis kitten"
I looked down to see harry pouting up at me.
"Who could resist a face like that?" I questioned before peppering Harry's face in kisses.
Harry squealed before bursting into fits of giggles.
"S-stop stop l-louis it t-tickles" he squealed
"okay, okay ill stop"
"harry is hungry"
"well we can't have a hungry kitten now can we" I gasped
harry shook his head,
"nope" he smiled
"common then let's get some food for my hungry kitten" I said taking Harry's hand and leading him into the kitchen.

Once in the kitchen I fixed two bowls of coco pops, one for me and the other for harry, we were now sat on the sofa watching re runs of friends, even though it was confusing harry a little.
"Have you finished your coco pops yet baby?" I asked harry.
Harry nodded in return.
"Okay I'll take your bowl away for you"
harry smiled up at as he handed me his bowl,
"thank you my louis"
I placed the bowls in the sink and quickly washed them, and dried the before putting them back into the cupboard.
It was when I was walking back into the living room when my phone want off for the second time this morning. I pulled out of my pocket and saw that it was my dad. Shit.
I begrudgingly answered,
"ah louis, I wasn't expecting you to answer"
"well I did I" I said nervously
"let's cut the chit chat shall we, I gave you three days, it's now the third day, I expect an answer"
I had to give him an answer. I could either continue to be my dad's little puppet and take over the family business, or I could stand up for myself or once, do what I want to do. The only downside to my second plan was I was going to lose my income of money from my dad.
"You know what dad, I'm done being your puppet, I'm not the person you want me to be and I'm not going to change so I can meet you expectations" I ranted
my dad let out a low chuckle,
"you're a fool louis, and one day you're going to realise that you made the biggest mistake of your life"
and with that that he hung up.
I felt tears burn in my eyes and I leaned against the wall before sliding down it, a sob escaping my mouth. I heard the patter of feet on the wooden floor and then a small gasp, then a warm body pressed its self against mine,
"louis" a small timid voice of harry said
"why is louis sad?" he questioned placing a hand on my knee.
I looked up to harry.
He let out a gasp and bundled me up in his arms running his fingers through my hair just like I had done when he was crying.
"W-why is Louis c-crying, Louis s-should not b-be crying" he questioned placing small kisses on my forehead.
I let out a small chuckle at the boy,
"it doesn't matter kitten, it's nothing you need to worry about" I said wiping my eyes
"common, let's go watch beauty and the beast" I said.
Harry eyes me warily,
"louis is sure he is alright?"
"yes yes I'm fine now" I chuckled standing up and helping harry up as well.
I knew the next few months are going to hard, money will get tight and I will have to work more hours the before. We might be living of Tesco's frozen pizzas and coco pops for a while, but I'm sure harry wouldn't mind that. And with my amazing friends and harry by my side, I'm sure we will get by. For now...

The innocence of green eyes - Larry stylinson (hybrid!harry)Where stories live. Discover now