Chapter two

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Louis' PVO
I felt my breath Fitch in my throat. Those eyes. Those big innocent eyes. They were so green, like emerald green, and they were so enticing the way that the green of his eyes stood out more than anything. I couldn't look away. They almost didn't look ... human.

Before I could even realise what was happening I was undoing my seatbelt, opening the car door, stepping out. The sudden cold air making me shiver. I walked round to the bonnet of my car to where the boy was standing. My eyes widened when I realised what he was wearing. It was a hospital gown, but it was covered in blood.
"Are you alright?" I asked
As soon as the words had left my mouth the boy had launched himself at me pushing me to the ground by the boy and a sharp piece of glass was pressed to his throat, ready to slice it apart. Pain ripped through my back as soon as I landed and a sharp sting as the boy applied more pressure to the piece of glass.

"Whoa Whoa - I began to say but the boy cut me off by animalistic grow Baring his teeth at me. Pushing the glass harder into my throat. The boy was griping the glass with his bare hands making himself bleed, the crimson liquid rolling down his hand and dripping onto me.
"I just wanted to make sure you are alright" I said my voice slightly shaking from fear. The boy growled again. Surely this was the end for me. I never thought my life would end this way, with a young boy and a piece of glass being brutally pushed into my throat.

There was a siren off in the distance along with several dogs barking.
" lads he went this way I'm sure of it, I can see the blood" a voice said not too far away from where we were at. As soon as the boy had heard the random voice his head snapped up from looking intently. His eyes softened and fear pooled in the green orbs that I had been all to fascinated with. He quickly scrambled up from where he had straddled me falling backwards, dropping the glass in the process. The whole process would have been comical if he didn't have this scared look on his face. It was now obvious that the boy was running away. From what I didn't what to know. As the barking of the dogs grew closer the boy looked more distressed and a look of pure panic and fear crossed his face. The dogs and the voices grew even closer I knew I had a decision to make, I could either get back into my car, leaving this very young looking boy in the middle of the road leaving him to the people that he was running away form, or I could take him home with me where he would be safe. Shit, I was never good at making quick decisions. I looked at the boy, who was now griping onto my car and madly shaking, I made my decision. I walked over to him bending down slowly, tucking one arm under his legs and the other under his armpits, but when I tried to lift him he let out a hissing noise, lashing out his arm and catching my face with his hand. A sharp pain infiltrated my left cheek. I felt a thick warm liquid slowly run down my cheek, where the pain was. I lifted my hand to touch it, and when I pulled my hand away my fingers where stained red. The boy had scratched me. I was bleeding. The boy was now glaring at me again, until another voice was heard

"search over there for him, boss said if we don't find we get the sack"

then the boy was shaking again. Ignoring the stinging pain in my cheek I went to pick up the boy again, this time he didn't scratch me, he let me pick him up. He did however struggle rather violently and let out a kind of mewling noise. I managed to him into the back of my car despite almost dropping twice in the short distance it was from the place on the ground he was cowering in, to my car door. I quickly shut the door before he could try to escape, and ran round to the drives side, opening the door, quickly getting in and slamming my foot on the gas paddle making my car speed of with the same squealing sound it made when I tried to stop.

A sobbing sound coming from the boy in the back and I looked in the wing mirror to see him. He was curled up, with his face buried in his knees and his legs wrapped around his legs. I couldnt see his face but I knew he was crying from the noise he was making. But something else caught my eye, something like his eyes, something not human, defiantly not human.

The innocence of green eyes - Larry stylinson (hybrid!harry)Where stories live. Discover now